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[英]Postgresql error after installation

I already have a rails project then i installed Postgresql and pgadmin III , I need to use posgresql in development instead of sqlite and production to use heroku , I followed the answer number two in this question Change from SQLite to PostgreSQL in a fresh Rails project because i just installed Postgresql using synaptic center without making anything else , when i try to create a user i got an error: 我已经有一个Rails项目,然后安装了Postgresql和pgadmin III,我需要在开发中使用posgresql而不是sqlite和production来使用heroku ,所以我遵循了这个问题的答案2, 在一个新的Rails项目中从SQLite更改为PostgreSQL,因为我刚刚使用突触中心安装了Postgresql而未做任何其他事情,当我尝试创建用户时出现错误:

createuser dexter
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) y
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role "dexter" does not exist

use: 采用:

$ sudo -u postgres createuser

To answer your question, from the postgresql documentation : 要回答您的问题,请从PostgreSQL文档

"If you wish to create a new superuser, you must connect as a superuser, not merely with CREATEROLE privilege. Being a superuser implies the ability to bypass all access permission checks within the database, so superuserdom should not be granted lightly." “如果您想创建一个新的超级用户,则必须以超级用户身份连接,而不仅仅是具有CREATEROLE特权。成为超级用户意味着可以绕过数据库中所有访问权限检查的能力,因此,不应轻易授予超级用户权限。”

Given that the account you are creating is simply for granting your Rails application access, while the ability to create databases makes sense, superuser privileges is not a good idea. 鉴于您要创建的帐户仅用于授予Rails应用程序访问权限,而创建数据库的功能很有意义,因此,超级用户特权不是一个好主意。

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