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使用sonata_type_admin嵌入式管理员停止SonataAdmin / Symfony2创建空对象

[英]Stop SonataAdmin / Symfony2 from creating empty objects with sonata_type_admin embedded admins

First of all, I'm not sure if this is a Sonata issue or a Symfony2 one, this is the first time I'm working with Sf2 forms to edit a relationship. 首先,我不确定这是Sonata问题还是Symfony2问题,这是我第一次使用Sf2表单来编辑关系。

Here's the problem: 这是问题所在:

I have two classes, let's call them the old favourites: Car and Wheel . 我有两个课程,让我们称之为旧的最爱: CarWheel Car has an optional one-to-one relationship with Wheel (it's for the example, just go with it...). Car与Wheel有一个可选的一对一关系(例如,它就是它......)。 I have set up SonataAdmin with a CarAdmin class which embeds a WheelAdmin using sonata_type_admin and try to create a Car without entering any data for Wheel. 我已成立了SonataAdmin与CarAdmin中嵌入一个类WheelAdmin使用sonata_type_admin和尝试不输入任何数据的轮创造了一辆车。

However, on submit (somewhere in $form->bind()/$form->submit() as far as I can trace) Symfony and/or Sonata is instantiating a Wheel and trying to persist it (with all its values as null ). 但是,在提交时(在$ form-> bind()/ $ form-> submit()的某个地方,我可以跟踪)Symfony和/或Sonata实例化一个Wheel并试图保持它(其所有值为null )。 Since the Wheel has some non-null constraints this throws a DBALException complaining that you cannot INSERT a Wheel with null vlaues. 由于Wheel具有一些非null约束,因此抛出DBALException,抱怨您无法使用null值来插入Wheel。

This is naughty and I'd like to stop it happening. 这很顽皮,我想阻止它发生。 If I don't enter any details for Wheel I don't want a phantom Wheel menacing my code and database. 如果我没有输入Wheel的任何细节,我不希望幻影轮对我的代码和数据库造成威胁。 What I expect is that if I enter no data there is nothing to insert/persist so it's left alone. 我期望的是,如果我没有输入任何数据,就没有任何内容可以插入/保留,所以它不会被单独存在。 But this is not what's happening... any ideas how to tame this into something sensible? 但这不是正在发生的事情...... 任何想法如何将其驯服成合情合理的东西?

Here's the long version, with code blocks and everything: 这是长版本,包含代码块和所有内容:

The ORM definitions first: ORM定义首先:

# MyNS\MyBundle\Resources\Config\Doctrine\Car.orm.yml
  type: entity
  repositoryClass: MyNS\MyBundle\Entity\Repositories\CarRepository
  table: test_cars
      type:                     integer
      generator:                { strategy: AUTO }
      type:                     string
      length:                   50
      type:                     string
      length:                   50
      nullable:                 true
      targetEntity:             Wheel
      cascade:                  [ persist ]
        name:                   leftFrontWheelId
        referencedColumnName:   id

# MyNS\MyBundle\Resources\Config\Doctrine\Wheel.orm.yml
  type: entity
  repositoryClass: MyNS\MyBundle\Entity\Repositories\WheelRepository
  table: test_wheels
      type:                     integer
      generator:                { strategy: AUTO }
      type:                     integer
      length:                   5

Then the SonataAdmin classes: 然后是SonataAdmin课程:

namespace MyNS\MyBundle\Admin

use ...

class CarAdmin extends Admin
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
            ->add('color',              null, array('required' => true))
            ->add('owner',              null, array('required' => false))
            ->add('leftFrontWheel',     'sonata_type_admin', array('delete' => false))

    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper) { ... }


namespace MyNS\MyBundle\Admin;

use ...

class WheelAdmin extends Admin
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
            ->add('diameter',   null,   array('required' => false))

    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper) { ... }

and finally the admin.yml entries: 最后是admin.yml条目:

        class: MyNS\MyBundle\Admin\CarAdmin
            - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, label: "Car" }
            - ~
            - MyNS\MyBundle\Entity\Car
            - 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD'
            - [ setTranslationDomain, [MyNS\MyBundle]]
        class: MyNS\MyBundle\Admin\WheelAdmin
            - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, label: "Wheel" }
            - ~
            - MyNS\MyBundle\Entity\Wheel
            - 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD'
            - [ setTranslationDomain, [MyNS\MyBundle]]

Expected/required behaviour: 预期/要求的行为:

  • Display a form with three fields: 显示包含三个字段的表单:

    • car.color (required) car.color(必填)
    • car.owner (optional) car.owner(可选)
    • car.wheel.diameter (optional) car.wheel.diameter(可选)
  • if car.wheel.diameter is left blank then no Wheel should be created and test_cars.leftFrontWheelId should remain null in the database 如果car.wheel.diameter留空,则不应创建Wheel,并且test_cars.leftFrontWheelId应在数据库中保持为null

  • if car.wheel.diameter is entered then a Wheel should be created and linked to the Car (this seems to work fine with the existing config) 如果输入car.wheel.diameter,则应创建一个Wheel并链接到Car(这似乎与现有配置一起使用)

The question: How do I get this system to behave as above? 问题: 我如何让这个系统表现如上?

It might be caused by a missing 'required' => false , no ? 它可能是由于缺少'required' => false ,不是吗?

protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper) {
        ->add('color',              null, array('required' => true))
        ->add('owner',              null, array('required' => false))
        ->add('leftFrontWheel',     'sonata_type_admin', array('required' => false, 'delete' => false))

Change your Wheel form field for something like : 更改您的Wheel表单字段,例如:

    // ...
    ->add('leftFrontWheel', 'sonata_type_admin', array(
        'delete' => false,
        'by_reference => true,
        'required' => false,
    // ...

See by_reference documentation 请参阅by_reference 文档

If it's not sufficient, use a prePersist hook in your parent admin class and manage which field you store. 如果还不够,请在父管理员类中使用prePersist挂钩并管理您存储的字段。 ie : 即:

// Fire on submit, before the object persisting
public function prePersist($object)
    if ($wheel = $object->getLeftFrontWheel()) {
        if (!$wheel->getYourNonNullableField()) {

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