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[英]Counting Frequency of Letters in a file and writing to a output file python

I am writing a function that take a in_file and checks the frequency of the letters in that file and writes in this format (letter:frequency) to a out_file.This is what i got so far can anyone help? 我正在编写一个函数,它接受一个in_file并检查该文件中字母的频率,并以这种格式(字母:频率)写入out_file。这是我到目前为止所能得到的任何人的帮助吗?

def count_letters(in_file,out_file):
    in_file = open(in_file,"r")
    out_file = open(out_file,"w")
    for line in in_file:
        words = line.split()
        for word in words:
            for letter in word:

There is no need to split words, at all; 完全没有必要分词; directly passing a string to the counter updates the counts per character. 直接将字符串传递给计数器会更新每个字符的计数。 You also need to collect all counts first , and only then write them out to the output file: 您还需要先收集所有计数,然后才将它们写入输出文件:

from collections import Counter

def count_letters(in_filename, out_filename):
    counts = Counter()
    with open(in_filename, "r") as in_file:
        for chunk in iter(lambda: in_file.read(8196), ''):
    with open(out_filename, "w") as out_file:
        for letter, count in counts.iteritems():
            out_file.write('{}:{}\n'.format(letter, count)

Note that the inputfile is processed in 8kb chunks rather than in one go; 请注意,输入文件以8kb块的形式处理,而不是一次性处理; you can adjust the block size (preferably in powers of 2) to maximize throughput. 您可以调整块大小(最好是2的幂)以最大化吞吐量。

You could use .most_common() instead of .iteritems() here if you want your output file to be sorted by frequency (descending). 如果希望输出文件按频率(降序)排序,可以在此处使用.most_common()而不是.iteritems() )。

This should do the trick - it counts all charaters, not only letters: 这应该可以解决问题 - 它会计算所有字符,而不仅仅是字母:

def count_letters(in_file,out_file):
    from collections import Counter
    in_file = open(in_file,"r")
    out_file = open(out_file,"w")
    letter_counts = Counter()
    with open(in_file, 'r') as in_file:
        for line in in_file:
            line = line.strip()
            for letter in line:
                # Count only letters.
                if not letter.isalpha():
                letter_counts[letter] += 1

    with open(out_file, 'w') as out_file:
        for letter, count in letter_counts.iteritems():
            out_file.write('{}:{}\n'.format(letter, count))

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