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[英]Point-point communication using Java Message Service (JMS)

I have a simple question that I can't find an answer to. 我有一个简单的问题,找不到答案。 I know that a publisher and a subscriber have no connection to each other but how about queues? 我知道发布者和订阅者之间没有任何联系,但是队列又如何呢? For a point-point communication, does the message producer have to establish a connection to the message consumer? 对于点对点通信,消息产生者是否必须建立与消息使用者的连接?

does the message producer have to establish a connection to the message consumer? 消息产生者必须建立与消息使用者的连接吗?

No - the producer passes the message to the JMS server (which acts as a store and forward device). 否-生产者将消息传递到JMS服务器(充当存储和转发设备)。 The JMS server will pass the message on to the consumer. JMS服务器会将消息传递给使用者。

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