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[英]how to raise a timeout exception after X seconds in python

I have a function and I need to raise exception after X seconds how can I do this? 我有一个函数,我需要在X秒后引发异常,我该怎么办? I try this code but It doesen't work: 我尝试了这段代码,但没有用:

from eventlet.timeout import Timeout
timeout = Timeout(seconds, exception)
   do somethins

According to the timeout documentation : 根据超时文档

There are two Timeout caveats to be aware of: 有两个超时注意事项:

  • If the code block in the try/finally or with-block never cooperatively yields, the timeout cannot be raised. 如果try / finally或with块中的代码块从不协作产生,则无法提高超时时间。 In Eventlet, this should rarely be a problem, but be aware that you cannot time out CPU-only operations with this class. 在Eventlet中,这应该很少有问题,但是请注意,使用此类不能使仅CPU的操作超时。
  • If the code block catches and doesn't re-raise BaseException (for example, with except:), then it will catch the Timeout exception, and might not abort as intended. 如果代码块捕获了并且没有重新引发BaseException(例如,带有except :),那么它将捕获Timeout异常,并且可能不会按预期中止。

If you are doing expensive calculation without doing any IO/ sleep in a loop, timeout will not occur. 如果您不进行任何IO / 休眠就执行昂贵的计算,则不会发生超时。

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