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[英]download untrusted certifcate in Chrome (Mac)

I have this website which contains an untrusted certificate (self signed). 我的网站包含不受信任的证书(自签名)。 Now I want to download this certificate. 现在我想下载这个证书。 But, for example, in Chrome, you only can 'Proceed' or go back (no download option). 但是,例如,在Chrome中,您只能'继续'或返回(无下载选项)。 I'm on a Mac, so I've checked the Keychain access tool but it contains a lot. 我在Mac上,所以我检查了Keychain访问工具,但它包含很多内容。 First of all I don't know if the cert is supposed to be in here, and second, I actually don't know how it looks like. 首先,我不知道证书是否应该在这里,其次,我实际上不知道它是怎么样的。 For example, the url is https://example.com:8181/myApp Any suggestions how to find the cert ? 例如,网址是https://example.com:8181/myApp任何建议如何找到证书?

UPDATE: I just noticed that in Chrome you can click on the right of the url on the lock icon. 更新:我刚注意到在Chrome中您可以点击锁定图标上的网址右侧。 It show some cert info, but still no option to download :( 它显示了一些证书信息,但仍无法下载选项:(


openssl s_client -connect {HOSTNAME}:{PORT} </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >mycertfile.pem


It turns out that the way to go is using the lock-icon next to the url. 事实证明,要走的路是使用网址旁边的锁定图标。 You can drag the certificate icon to, for example, you desktop. 您可以将证书图标拖到例如桌面上。 It is explain here . 这里解释一下

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