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[英]Closing a form that is created in another thread

I have been searching for an answer to my particular problem for a while with no success. 我一直在寻找我的特定问题的答案,但没有成功。

I have a task in my program that takes a few seconds and I want to show a new form while that task is being done. 我的程序中有一个任务需要几秒钟,我想在完成任务时显示一个新表单。 The new form has a loadingbar and some text. 新表单有一个加载栏和一些文本。

I need to show the new form parallel to the task otherwise the task will not start untill I close the new form. 我需要显示与任务并行的新表单,否则任务将无法启动,直到我关闭新表单。

This is the solution I have now: 这是我现在的解决方案:

private void loadingBar()
    frmLoading frm = new frmLoading("Please wait while the database is being backed up", "This might take several days.");


public void Backup()
    Thread load = new Thread(new ThreadStart(loadingBar));

    ///Execute a task.


So, this works OK but my question is: Wouldn't it be better to close the the form "frm" in the load-thread to make it stop? 所以,这个工作正常,但我的问题是:在加载线程中关闭“frm”形式以使其停止不是更好吗?

You could do this a few ways... 你可以通过几种方式做到这一点......

1 - You could do as BendEg suggested and invoke you frmClose once you are ready 1 - 您可以像BendEg建议的那样做,并在准备好后调用frmClose

Something like; 就像是;

Invoke(new Action(Close)); 

or 要么

Invoke(new Action(() => frmMain.Close()));

2 - Or you could simply use a background worker; 2 - 或者你可以简单地使用后台工作者;

The simplest way to demonstrate this would be to add a BackgroundWorker to your form, and use the events provided; 证明这一点的最简单方法是在表单中添加BackgroundWorker,并使用提供的事件;

public Form1()

    MessageBox.Show(@"Please wait while the database is being backed up", @"This might take several days.");

private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    Debug.WriteLine("Running"); //Execute a task

private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    Debug.WriteLine("Ended"); //Dispose of any objects you'd like (close yor form etc.)

I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。

You can declare the form on Class-Level and later close it with an invoke. 您可以在Class-Level上声明表单,然后使用调用将其关闭。 MSDN-Windows Forms Invoke MSDN-Windows窗体调用

Like this: 像这样:

    public class Class1
    private Form myForm;

    public Class1()
        myForm = new Form();

    public void DoSomeWork()
        // ===================================================
        // Do Some Work...
        // ===================================================

        myForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(this.Hide));

    public void Hide()

    public void Backup()

        Thread load = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomeWork));

I think this can work for you. 我认为这对你有用。

void YourMethod()
     WaitForm wf = new WaitForm();
     Invoke(new PleaseWaitDelegate(Launch),wf);
     bool val = BoolMethodDoWork();
     Invoke(new PleaseWaitDelegate(Close), wf);
delegate void PleaseWaitDelegate(Form form);
        void Launch(Form form)
            new System.Threading.Thread(()=> form. ShowDialog()).Start();

        void Close(Form form)

I think this will help you (if i understood you right): 我想这会对你有帮助(如果我理解你的话):

                Parallel.Invoke(() => somemethod(), () =>

I placed methods as example to demonstrate 2 tasks running. 我将方法作为示例来演示运行的2个任务。

You nee to use the proper using statement using System.Threading.Tasks; 您需要使用using System.Threading.Tasks;使用正确的using语句using System.Threading.Tasks;

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