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[英]Creating conditional sql query

I am having a problem getting a query to work (and also am questioning the security of the query). 我在使查询正常工作时遇到了问题(也对查询的安全性提出了质疑)。

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE";

     if($_POST['FirstName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " FirstName LIKE '%" . $_POST['FirstName_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['LastName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR LastName LIKE '%" . $_POST['LastName_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['Firm_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR Firm LIKE '%" . $_POST['Firm_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['Country_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR Country LIKE '%" . $_POST['Country_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['City_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR City LIKE '%" . $_POST['City_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['State_S'] !== '' AND $_POST['State_S'] !== 'other'){
        $sql .= " OR State LIKE '%" . $_POST['State_S'] . "%'";

Obviously, if FirstName_S is undefined, the query breaks saying "WHERE OR". 显然,如果FirstName_S未定义,查询将中断并显示“ WHERE OR”。 It seems like it would have a logical fix, but I've been staring at it for a little too long. 似乎有一个合理的解决方法,但我盯着它看了太久了。

Also, sql injection was brought up as a concern, and as a side-question, would sanitizing the input be enough? 另外,SQL注入引起了人们的关注,并且作为一个附带问题,对输入进行处理是否足够? Or is this altogether bad practice? 还是这完全是不好的做法?

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE";

     if($_POST['FirstName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= "OR FirstName LIKE '%" . $_POST['FirstName_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['LastName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR LastName LIKE '%" . $_POST['LastName_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['Firm_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR Firm LIKE '%" . $_POST['Firm_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['Country_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR Country LIKE '%" . $_POST['Country_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['City_S'] !== ''){
        $sql .= " OR City LIKE '%" . $_POST['City_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['State_S'] !== '' AND $_POST['State_S'] !== 'other'){
        $sql .= " OR State LIKE '%" . $_POST['State_S'] . "%'";

    $sql=str_replace("WHERE OR","WHERE",$sql);   // quick dirty fix


Ofcourse you'd need to sanitize the input, but since you didn't mention which MySQL API you use, I did not add any sanitization functions yet. 当然,您需要清理输入,但是由于您没有提到要使用哪个MySQL API,因此我还没有添加任何清理功能。 You can look at http://php.net/mysqli_real_escape_string 您可以看一下http://php.net/mysqli_real_escape_string

do it other way as follow 按照其他方式做

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE";

     if($_POST['FirstName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_arr[]=" FirstName LIKE '%" . $_POST['FirstName_S'] . "%'";

     if($_POST['LastName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_arr[]= " LastName LIKE '%" . $_POST['LastName_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['Firm_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_arr[]= " Firm LIKE '%" . $_POST['Firm_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['Country_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_arr[]= " Country LIKE '%" . $_POST['Country_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['City_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_arr[]= " City LIKE '%" . $_POST['City_S'] . "%'";
     if($_POST['State_S'] !== '' AND $_POST['State_S'] !== 'other'){
        $sql_arr[]= " State LIKE '%" . $_POST['State_S'] . "%'";
       $sql.=implode(' OR ',$sql_arr);


The quick fix is to add 1=1 to your query, so your query ends with WHERE 1=1 . 快速解决方案是向查询中添加1=1 ,因此您的查询以WHERE 1=1结尾。 That allows you to be free to append any number of OR something to your query, without being concerned with omitting the OR on the first one. 这样一来,您就可以自由地向查询中添加任意数量的OR something ,而不必担心在第一个查询中省略OR

(That 1=1 predicate doesn't cause any problem; that will be evaluated at parse time, and doesn't appear in the execution plan.) (1 = 1谓词不会引起任何问题;它将在解析时进行评估,并且不会出现在执行计划中。)

As to SQL Injection, yes, this code is susceptible. 对于SQL注入,是的,此代码易受攻击。 If you are using mysql interface, then sanitize the post variables with mysql_real_escape_string function. 如果使用的是mysql接口,请使用mysql_real_escape_string函数mysql_real_escape_string post变量。 If you are using mysqli or PDO (and you should be), then use parameterized queries. 如果您正在使用mysqli或PDO(应该使用),则使用参数化查询。

$stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('SELECT * FROM members WHERE FirstName LIKE ? OR LastName LIKE ? OR FIRM LIKE ? OR Country LIKE ? OR CITY LIKE ? OR STATE LIKE ?');

if($_POST['FirstName_S'] !== ''){
  $stmt->bind_param('FirstName', '%'.$_POST['FirstName_S'].'%');
} else {
  $stmt->bind_param('FirstName', '%');

… // do this for all your parameters


I think this could help you: 我认为这可以帮助您:

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM members";

 if($_POST['FirstName_S'] !== ''){
    $sql .= " WHERE FirstName LIKE '%" . $_POST['FirstName_S'] . "%'";
 else {
   $sql .= " WHERE FirstName LIKE '%'";
 if($_POST['LastName_S'] !== ''){
    $sql .= " OR LastName LIKE '%" . $_POST['LastName_S'] . "%'";
 if($_POST['Firm_S'] !== ''){
    $sql .= " OR Firm LIKE '%" . $_POST['Firm_S'] . "%'";
 if($_POST['Country_S'] !== ''){
    $sql .= " OR Country LIKE '%" . $_POST['Country_S'] . "%'";
 if($_POST['City_S'] !== ''){
    $sql .= " OR City LIKE '%" . $_POST['City_S'] . "%'";
 if($_POST['State_S'] !== '' AND $_POST['State_S'] !== 'other'){
    $sql .= " OR State LIKE '%" . $_POST['State_S'] . "%'";

} }

and for the SQL injections, you can check General_Twyckenham comment. 对于SQL注入,您可以检查General_Twyckenham注释。

You could compose the WHERE command based on what parameters is entered... 您可以根据输入的参数编写WHERE命令。

    $sql_where = '';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM members ";

    if($_POST['FirstName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_where .= (($sql_where != '')?('OR '):(''))." FirstName LIKE '%" . $_POST['FirstName_S'] . "%' ";
    if($_POST['LastName_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_where .= (($sql_where != '')?('OR '):(''))." LastName LIKE '%" . $_POST['LastName_S'] . "%' ";
    if($_POST['Firm_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_where .= (($sql_where != '')?('OR '):(''))." Firm LIKE '%" . $_POST['Firm_S'] . "%' ";
    if($_POST['Country_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_where .= (($sql_where != '')?('OR '):(''))." Country LIKE '%" . $_POST['Country_S'] . "%' ";
    if($_POST['City_S'] !== ''){
        $sql_where .= (($sql_where != '')?('OR '):(''))." City LIKE '%" . $_POST['City_S'] . "%' ";
    if($_POST['State_S'] !== '' AND $_POST['State_S'] !== 'other'){
        $sql_where .= (($sql_where != '')?('OR '):(''))." State LIKE '%" . $_POST['State_S'] . "%' ";
    $sql .= (($sql_where != '')?('WHERE '.sql_where):(''));

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