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Mono WinForms TableLayoutPanel单元相对于表单锁定在适当的位置

[英]Mono WinForms TableLayoutPanel cell locked in place relative to the form

I have a form with a TableLayoutPanel on it, with controls in the cells. 我有一个带有TableLayoutPanel的窗体,其中的单元格中有控件。 One of the controls is misbehaving, though, when I run my program in Mono. 但是,当我在Mono中运行程序时,控件之一行为异常。 When I resize the form, the control just sits where it is, instead of moving to keep up with the rest of the controls in the TableLayoutPanel ! 当我调整窗体的大小时,控件只是放在它的位置,而不是跟上TableLayoutPanel其余的控件! This doesn't happen when I run my program in .NET. 当我在.NET中运行程序时,不会发生这种情况。 Does anyone have a clue what could cause my control to get stuck like this? 有人知道这可能导致我的控制卡住吗?

if it is only one of the controls that is misbehaving then the first guess is that the anchor or dock properties of that control isn't as the others. 如果只是其中一个控件的行为不当,则第一个猜测就是该控件的anchordock属性与其他控件不同。 also it might just be that the control is behaving as it should and you just expected different behavior. 也可能只是控件的行为不正常,而您只是期望有不同的行为。

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