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[英]MFMailComposeViewController for Two different labels

My problem is i have a view with a label, wherein, the data on label is coming from web service and on tapping it mail box should appear.In a nutshell it is a mailLabel. 我的问题是我有一个带有标签的视图,其中,标签上的数据来自Web服务,点击它时应该出现邮箱。简而言之,它是一个mailLabel。 Similarly on the same view i have a custom cell which too has another mail label and the same thing should happen,but the mail address will be different and dynamic. 同样,在同一视图上,我有一个自定义单元格,该单元格也具有另一个邮件标签,应该发生相同的事情,但是邮件地址将是不同且动态的。

Q1) do i need to include only one method of mail for this to handle. Q1)我需要只包含一种邮件处理方法吗? Q2) If yes then how and if no then what is the procedure. Q2)如果是,则如何,如果否,那么程序是什么。 i have used a second method for this and called this in cellForRow like 我为此使用了第二种方法,并在cellForRow中将其称为

-(UITableViewCell*)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{

        UITapGestureRecognizer *mgmtMail1LblGesture = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(mail1LblTappedForCC:)];

        [cell.managementMemberEmail addGestureRecognizer:mgmtMail1LblGesture];

and method. 和方法。

- (void)mail1LblTappedForCC:(id)sender
    if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail])

        MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
        mailer.mailComposeDelegate = self;
        [mailer setSubject:@""];

        NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objCCforManagement.managementMemberEmail.text, nil];
        [mailer setToRecipients:toRecipients];
        NSString *emailBody = @"";
        [mailer setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];
        mailer.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque;
        [self presentViewController:mailer animated:YES completion:nil];
        UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Failure"
                                                        message:@"Your device doesn't support the composer sheet"
        [alert show];

where objCCforManagement is the object of custom class. 其中objCCforManagement是自定义类的对象。

How your recognizer will get the to recipient array from 您的识别器如何从中获取收件人数组

NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objCCforManagement.managementMemberEmail.text, nil];

Use recognizer.view to get your label text or get value from objCCforManagement on the basis of label.text. 使用objCCforManagement来获取标签文本或基于label.text从objCCforManagement获取值。 Or particular tag set to label like label.tag=cellRowIndex etc in cellForRow method 或在cellForRow方法中设置为标签的特定标签,例如label.tag=cellRowIndex

Code ---- 代码----


Your mail1LblTappedForCC method is unable to find which row value or objCCforManagement is to be inserted as recipient. 您的mail1LblTappedForCC方法找不到要作为接收者插入的行值或objCCforManagement。 thats why it is showing blank. 那就是为什么它显示空白。

Get your email on the basis of row tag by setting it to label. 通过将行标记设置为标签来获取电子邮件。

- (void)mail1LblTappedForCC:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)recognizer
    if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail])
        UILabel *labelOnWhichItisClicked=(UILabel*)recognizer.view;
        CustomCellForExhibitorDetailVC *cell=(CustomCellForExhibitorDetailVC*)[managementTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:labelOnWhichItisClicked.tag inSection:0]];

        NSLog(@"mail to is == %@",cell.managementMemberEmail.text);

        MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];

        mailer.mailComposeDelegate = self;
        [mailer setSubject:@""];

        NSArray *toRecipients =[NSArray arrayWithObjects:cell.managementMemberEmail.text,nil];

        [mailer setToRecipients:toRecipients];
        NSString *emailBody = @"";
        [mailer setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];
        mailer.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque;
        [self presentViewController:mailer animated:YES completion:nil];
        UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Failure"
                                                        message:@"Your device doesn't support the composer sheet"
        [alert show];

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