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[英]Specific sorting of a multidimensional array

I'm currently translating a VBA project into VB.NET. 我目前正在将VBA项目转换为VB.NET。 And I have a little issue with the sorting of a datatable. 我对数据表的排序有一点问题。

My table look like : 我的桌子看起来像:

... | ... | Firstname3 | Name3 | Pay3 | Firstname1 | Name1 | Pay1 | Firstname2 | Name2 | Pay2 |...
... | ... | Firstname2 | Name2 | Pay2 | Firstname3 | Name3 | Pay3 | Firstname1 | Name1 | Pay1 |...

And so on... I export the 56 columns needed from the datatable into an array and try to sort it horizontaly on the Name. 依此类推...我将数据表所需的56列导出到数组中,并尝试在Name上对它们进行水平排序。 I did it that way in VBA : 我是在VBA中这样做的:

Public Sub SortTable(ByRef aggTab(,) As Object, ByVal columnToSortOn As Integer, ByVal lowerValue As Byte,
                    ByVal upperValue As Byte)

    Dim ref As Object = aggTab((lowerValue + upperValue) \ 2, columnToSortOn)
    Dim refLowerValue As Byte = lowerValue
    Dim refUpperValue As Byte = upperValue
    Dim temp As Object

        Do While aggTab(refLowerValue, columnToSortOn) < ref
            refLowerValue = refLowerValue + 1
        Do While ref < aggTab(refUpperValue, columnToSortOn)
            refUpperValue = refUpperValue - 1
        If refLowerValue <= refUpperValue Then
            For i = LBound(aggTab, 2) To UBound(aggTab, 2)
                temp = aggTab(refLowerValue, i)
                aggTab(refLowerValue, i) = aggTab(refUpperValue, i)
                aggTab(refUpperValue, i) = temp
            Next i
            refLowerValue = refLowerValue + 1 : refUpperValue = refUpperValue - 1
        End If
    Loop While refLowerValue <= refUpperValue

    If refLowerValue < upperValue Then Call SortTable(aggTab, columnToSortOn, refLowerValue, upperValue)
    If lowerValue < refUpperValue Then Call SortTable(aggTab, columnToSortOn, lowerValue, refUpperValue)
End Sub

But when I convert the code into VB.NET it doesn't work properly. 但是,当我将代码转换为VB.NET时,它无法正常工作。 Does anyone can explain me why? 谁能解释我为什么? Because in excel it work perfectly. 因为在excel中它可以完美地工作。

Take this example; 举这个例子;

    Dim openWith As New SortedDictionary(Of String, String)

    ' Add some elements to the dictionary. There are no  
    ' duplicate keys, but some of the values are duplicates.
    openWith.Add("txt", "notepad.exe")
    openWith.Add("bmp", "paint.exe")
    openWith.Add("dib", "paint.exe")
    openWith.Add("rtf", "wordpad.exe")

    For Each Ext As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In openWith
        TextBox1.AppendText(Ext.Key & " " & Ext.Value & vbCrLf)

This wil automaticly sort the 'extension'. 这将自动对“扩展名”进行排序。

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