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[英]CSV appending specific strings in Dictionary

There are two CSV files I am looking to consolidate into 1. 我希望将两个CSV文件合并为1个文件。


WBS Element,Purchasing Document,Purchase order text,Val/COArea Crcy


WBS Element,Ref Document Number,Val/COArea Crcy,Name
ABC124,1000060610,0,Slab Locates & Steel Differential
ABC124,1000081223,0,Slab Locates & Steel Differential
ABC126,1000067757,0,Structural Steel
ABC 137,4200041490,0,Service
ABC 137,4200028630,5393.52,Service
ABC 137,4200029435,0,Service

I want to make 1 CSV file that combines both of these. 我想制作1个CSV文件,将两者结合起来。 The lines starting with WBS Element are joined together. 以WBS Element开头的线连接在一起。 The WBS Elements from each file are then placed on the same line if they match. 然后将每个文件中的WBS元素匹配时放在同一行。 If A has a WBS Element B does not, then the section for B is just "," and vice versa. 如果A具有WBS元素,则B没有,则B的部分仅为“,”,反之亦然。

Sample target output: 目标输出样本:

WBS Element,Purchasing Document,Purchase order text,Val/COArea Crcy,WBS Element,Ref Document Number,Val/COArea Crcy,Name
ABC124,4200028630,Service,1069.2,ABC124,1000060610,0,Slab Locates & Steel Differential

I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

static void Main(string[] args)
        StreamReader a = new StreamReader(@"Input\a.csv");
        StreamReader b = new StreamReader(@"Input\b.csv");
        StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(@"Output\output.csv");
        Dictionary<string, string> Adict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        Dictionary<string, string> Bdict = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        output.WriteLine(a.ReadLine() + "," + b.ReadLine());

        while (!a.EndOfStream && !b.EndOfStream)
            //section for A
            List<string> atempList = new List<string>();
            string atempString;
            string Aline = a.ReadLine();
            string[] Atokens = Aline.Split(','); //split the line into array
            foreach (string s in Atokens)
                atempList.Add(s); //add each string in token array to tempList
            atempList.Remove(Atokens[0]); //remove Dict Key from tempList

            StringBuilder d = new StringBuilder();

            if (!Adict.ContainsKey(Atokens[0]))
                foreach (string s in atempList)
                    d.Append(s + ","); //rejoin tempList into a string with ","
                d.Append("\n"); //add a linebreak to end of templist string
                Adict.Add(Atokens[0], d.ToString()); //Add line to dictionary with Key
            else  //Adict does contain key... need to remove Key and add bigger string
                List<string> removeKey = new List<string>(); //temporary list

                foreach (string s in Atokens)
                    removeKey.Add(s); //create a new list from the token array
                removeKey.Remove(Atokens[0]); //remove the key from the removeKey list

                atempString = Adict[Atokens[0]];  //temporary string is what's already in dictionary
                Adict.Remove(Atokens[0]); //remove the Key + Value from dictionary.
                Adict.Add(Atokens[0], d.Append(atempString + Aline + "\n").ToString());     // string.Concat(tempString, ",", line));

            //section for B
            List<string> btempList = new List<string>();
            string btempString;
            string Bline = b.ReadLine();
            string[] Btokens = Bline.Split(',');
            foreach (string s in Btokens)

            StringBuilder f = new StringBuilder();

            if (!Bdict.ContainsKey(Btokens[0]))
                foreach (string s in btempList)
                    f.Append(s + ",");
                Bdict.Add(Btokens[0], f.ToString());
                List<string> removeKey = new List<string>();

                foreach (string s in Btokens)

                btempString = Bdict[Btokens[0]];
                Bdict.Add(Btokens[0], f.Append(btempString + Bline + "\n").ToString());
       // Console.ReadLine();

I am stuck now I dont know how to look through each Dictionary and compare keys, then join (insert?) just the line that has a matching key. 我现在陷入困境,我不知道如何浏览每个词典并比较键,然后仅联接(插入?)具有匹配键的行。

first of all, I think you should make a class to use this. 首先,我认为您应该使用该类。 The class I made for this problem is really simple: 我为这个问题制作的课程非常简单:

class WbsElement
    public string PurchasingDocument;
    public string PurchaseOrderText;
    public string ValCoAreaCrcyA;
    public string ValCoAreaCrcyB;
    public string RefDocumentNumber;
    public string Name;

It has some attirbutes that you can use to store the data. 它具有一些可用于存储数据的属性。 Then I took your code and changed it to this: 然后,我将您的代码更改为以下代码:

private static void Main(string[] args)
        StreamReader a = new StreamReader(@"A.CSV");
        StreamReader b = new StreamReader(@"B.CSV");
        StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(@"output.csv");
        Dictionary<string, WbsElement> newDict = new Dictionary<string, WbsElement>();

        output.WriteLine(a.ReadLine() + "," + b.ReadLine());

        while (!a.EndOfStream && !b.EndOfStream)
            //section for A
            string Aline = a.ReadLine();
            string[] Atokens = Aline.Split(','); //split the line into array
            if (newDict.ContainsKey(Atokens[0]))
                newDict[Atokens[0]].PurchasingDocument = Atokens[1];
                newDict[Atokens[0]].PurchaseOrderText = Atokens[2];
                newDict[Atokens[0]].ValCoAreaCrcyA = Atokens[3];
                WbsElement elementToAdd = new WbsElement();
                elementToAdd.PurchasingDocument = Atokens[1];
                elementToAdd.PurchaseOrderText = Atokens[2];
                elementToAdd.ValCoAreaCrcyA = Atokens[3];
                newDict.Add(Atokens[0], elementToAdd);
        while (!b.EndOfStream)
            //section for B
            string Bline = b.ReadLine();
            string[] Btokens = Bline.Split(',');
            if (newDict.ContainsKey(Btokens[0]))
                newDict[Btokens[0]].RefDocumentNumber = Btokens[1];
                newDict[Btokens[0]].ValCoAreaCrcyB = Btokens[2];
                newDict[Btokens[0]].Name = Btokens[3];
                WbsElement elementToAdd = new WbsElement();
                elementToAdd.RefDocumentNumber = Btokens[1];
                elementToAdd.ValCoAreaCrcyB = Btokens[2];
                elementToAdd.Name = Btokens[3];
                newDict.Add(Btokens[0], elementToAdd);

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, WbsElement> keyValuePair in newDict)
            output.WriteLine(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}", keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value.PurchasingDocument,
                             keyValuePair.Value.PurchaseOrderText, keyValuePair.Value.ValCoAreaCrcyA,
                             keyValuePair.Value.RefDocumentNumber, keyValuePair.Value.ValCoAreaCrcyB,

        // Console.ReadLine();

I make a new dictionary that stores the key + one instance of the class I made. 我制作了一个新字典,用于存储键和我所创建类的一个实例。 When I find the same key again, I just add the information to the class. 当我再次找到相同的键时,只需将信息添加到类中。 On the end of the application I just flush all the correct data to the output stream. 在应用程序的最后,我只是将所有正确的数据刷新到输出流。 The class is the key to making this easy. 该类是使此操作变得简单的关键。

In case you want it generic for different length of data input, you could use this: 如果您希望它适用于不同长度的数据输入,则可以使用以下命令:

private static void Main(string[] args)
        StreamReader a = new StreamReader(@"A.CSV");
        StreamReader b = new StreamReader(@"B.CSV");
        StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(@"output.csv");
        Dictionary<string, List<string>> newDict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
        string aLine = a.ReadLine();
        int aLength = aLine.Split(',').Count();

        output.WriteLine(aLine + "," + b.ReadLine());

        while (!a.EndOfStream && !b.EndOfStream)
            //section for A
            string Aline = a.ReadLine();
            string[] Atokens = Aline.Split(','); //split the line into array
            if (newDict.ContainsKey(Atokens[0]))
                for (int i = 0; i < Atokens.Length; i++)
                    newDict[Atokens[0]][i] = Atokens[i];
                List<string> listToAdd = new List<string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Atokens.Length; i++)
                newDict.Add(Atokens[0], listToAdd);
        while (!b.EndOfStream)
            //section for B
            string Bline = b.ReadLine();
            string[] Btokens = Bline.Split(',');
            if (newDict.ContainsKey(Btokens[0]))

                if (newDict[Btokens[0]].Count > aLength)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Btokens.Length; i++)
                        newDict[Btokens[0]][i + aLength] = Btokens[i];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Btokens.Length; i++)
                List<string> listToAdd = new List<string>(aLength);
                newDict.Add(Btokens[0], listToAdd);

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> keyValuePair in newDict)
            string outputLine = string.Empty;
            foreach (string s in keyValuePair.Value)
                if (outputLine != string.Empty)
                    outputLine += ",";
                outputLine += s;

        // Console.ReadLine();

It uses a list to keep track of input data. 它使用列表来跟踪输入数据。

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