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JavaFX ImageView内存泄漏

[英]JavaFX ImageView memory leak

I work on image slide show application on JavaFX and after a while of working java crash with no free memory error. 我在JavaFX上的图像幻灯片应用程序上工作,经过一段时间的Java崩溃,没有可用内存错误。 In interface code I have: 在接口代码中,我有:

image = new ImageView();
Group root = new Group(image);
imageScene = new Scene(root, height, width);        

In background thread I set image source for image view: 在后台线程中,我为图像视图设置了图像源:

Map<String, Image> imagesMap = new HashMap<>();
// Slide thread
if (!imagesMap.containsKey(item.File)) {
Image image = new Image(item.File);
imagesMap.put(item.File, image);
Image i = imagesMap.get(item.File);

While app run(with params: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx256m) memory allocated to java process always is increasing... 当应用运行(带有参数:-XX:+ UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+ UseG1GC -Xmx256m)时,分配给Java进程的内存总是在增加...

Reduce the image size using the below code 使用以下代码缩小图像尺寸

Image img = ic.getImage();  
Image newimg = img.getScaledInstance(500, 700,  java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);

I am sure you are using the original image size in this app. 我确定您在此应用中使用的是原始图像尺寸。

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