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[英]Password for mifare classic authentication

I have to authenticate an mifare classic 4k with an password, that are generated with 3DES out of KeyA and KeyB (like described here in the picture on top: http://gelvaos.blogspot.de/2011/01/how-to-calculate-mifare-password.html ). 我必须使用密码验证mifare经典4k,这是用KeyA和KeyB中的3DES生成的(如上图所示: http ://gelvaos.blogspot.de/2011/01/how-to- calculate-mifare-password.html )。

Is there any tool that do that (you enter keyA and keyB and the mifare password is coming out)? 是否有任何工具可以执行此操作(您输入keyA和keyB并且mifare密码即将出现)? Here is an example: KeyA: FF FF FF FF FF FF KeyB: FF FF FF FF FF FF 下面是一个例子:KeyA:FF FF FF FF FF FF KeyB:FF FF FF FF FF FF

Mifare Password: 0B 54 57 07 45 FE 3A E7 Mifare密码:0B 54 57 07 45 FE 3A E7

Can you please help me? 你能帮我么?

Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!

如果其他人正在寻找它,这里有一个非常酷的github项目,用于完全计算: https//github.com/gelvaos/MifarePass/tree/master/MifarePass

您应该尝试使用openSSL ,它可以用于从命令行实现这种类型的计算。

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