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初始typedef结构指针(C / C ++)

[英]Initial typedef struct pointer (C/C++)

If I define a struct like below 如果我定义如下的结构

typedef struct Coder {
    float **data;

For my convenience, I also define a pointer to this struct 为了方便起见,我还定义了一个指向该结构的指针

typedef Coder *AUTO;

and then I have to initial it by calling 然后我必须通过调用来初始化

AUTO  myInstance = new Coder;

My problem appear when I call 我打电话时出现问题

myInstance->data= NULL;

The VC 2010 told me that there was no type specifier. VC 2010告诉我,没有类型说明符。 I don't understand what problem is here. 我不明白这是什么问题。 Could you please help me? 请你帮助我好吗?

If you are in C++ , just do : 如果您使用的是C ++ ,请执行以下操作:

struct Coder
    float **data;

typedef Coder *AUTO;

Also you have to be sure that the AUTO declaration is done after the declaration of your struct or you can forward-declare your struct . 另外,您还必须确保在声明struct之后执行AUTO声明,或者可以向前声明 struct

Also, it is possible that NULL is undefined. 同样,有可能未定义NULL

You can replace it by 0 or just look at the link I just gave you. 您可以将其替换为0也可以只看我刚刚给您的链接。

Here is a live example . 这是一个生动的例子

EDIT : The code you gave us cannot work : 编辑:您给我们的代码无法正常工作:

#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>

struct Coder {
        float **data; // 2-D matrix
typedef Coder *AUTO;

AUTO  myFeatures = new Coder;

myFeatures->data = NULL; // Forbidden

int main (){
        myFeatures->data = new float *[2];
        myFeatures->data[0] = new float [2];

You can only have declaration in namespace scope, not expression like that. 您只能在名称空间范围内进行声明,而不能在那样的表达式中进行声明。

In §7.3.1/1 of the standard : 在该标准的§7.3.1/ 1中:

namespace-body: 名称空间主体:
declaration-seq opt 声明顺序选择

which says the namespace-body can optionally contain only declaration . 表示命名空间主体可以选择仅包含声明

This code will work : 该代码将起作用:

// Your includes

struct Coder {
        Coder() : data(NULL) {} // Constructor who initialize data to NULL
                                // via the member-initialization-list

        float **data; // 2-D matrix
typedef Coder *AUTO;

AUTO  myFeatures = new Coder; // Do you want to keep it in global ??
                              // It's not a really good design

int main (){
        // You should put your declaration here.

        // myFeatures->data = NULL; useless now
        myFeatures->data = new float *[2];
        myFeatures->data[0] = new float [2];

In C typedef: 在C typedef中:

typedef int mango;

Now your mango represent "int" datatype. 现在您的芒果代表“ int”数据类型。

user defined struct syntax: 用户定义的结构语法:

struct mystruct;

use typedef: 使用typedef:

typedef struct mystruct newtype;

Now newtype represent your struct mystruct. 现在,新类型代表您的结构mystruct。

Your the typedef name is missing, 您的typedef名称丢失,

typedef struct Coder {
    float **data;
}Coder ;
typedef struct Coder {
    float **data;

will be ok. 会好的。

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