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[英]LRU best way to do a quick implementation in java

I want to construct a quick LRU cache. 我想构建一个快速LRU缓存。 Is this kind of solution is a good way to do this ? 这种解决方案是一种很好的方法吗? And what about the synchronization ? 同步怎么样?

There's a protected method called removeEldestEntry. 有一个名为removeEldestEntry的受保护方法。 This method is called when items are being added to the map. 将项目添加到地图时会调用此方法。 The default implementation just returns false. 默认实现只返回false。 But i can subclass LinkedHashMap and override this method to check whether a maximum size has been reached, then just return true. 但我可以继承LinkedHashMap并重写此方法以检查是否已达到最大大小,然后返回true。 The LinkedHashMap will find the oldest entry via the linked list and boot it before adding a new entry. LinkedHashMap将通过链表找到最旧的条目,并在添加新条目之前将其引导。

public class MyLRUMap<K,V> extends LinkedHashMap<K,V> {
private int maxCapacity;

public MyLRUMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, int maxCapacity) {
super(initialCapacity, loadFactor, true);
this.maxCapacity = maxCapacity;

protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<K,V> eldest) {
return size() >= this.maxCapacity;

Thanks 谢谢

这是推荐的方法,尽管最好使用size() > this.maxCapacity而不是>=

我想为此推荐guava / cachebuilder

这实现在书中提到的“Java泛型和集合” 在这里

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