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[英]node js express route all paths

I am using express. 我正在使用快递。 I like to create a route that navigates all requests of type "get" with url prefix '/app/static/*pagePath' to "/assets/app/static/pagePath". 我想创建一条路由,将所有带有URL前缀“ / app / static / * pagePath”的“ get”类型的请求导航到“ / assets / app / static / pagePath”。 I am trying to do the following, but is doesn't work. 我正在尝试执行以下操作,但不起作用。

app.get('/app/static/*path', function (req, res) {
    res.sendfile('assets/app/static/' + req.params.path);

Any idea? 任何想法?

Just use a middleware with a prefix and some short-circuit logic: 只需使用带有前缀和一些短路逻辑的中间件即可:

app.use('/app/static', function (req, res, next) {
  if (req.method !== 'get') {
  res.sendFile(__dirname + '/assets' + req.path);

(this is untested so might not be 100% ready to go, but you get the idea) (这未经测试,因此可能尚未100%准备就绪,但您知道了)

Actually, looking again at your question, are you sure this can't be handled by the express.static middleware just given the proper root directory? 实际上,再次查看您的问题,您确定仅赋予正确的根目录就不能通过express.static中间件来解决?

app.use('/app/static', express.static(__dirname + '/assets'));

If you want to include subdirectories, you can do it using a regex; 如果要包括子目录,则可以使用正则表达式来完成。 this regex will match any directory/file structure under /app/static/ 此正则表达式将匹配/app/static/下的任何目录/文件结构

app.get(/^\/app\/static\/(.*)/, function (req, res) {
    console.log('assets/app/static/' + req.params[0]);
    res.sendfile('assets/app/static/' + req.params[0]);

As to your question about multiple static directories, yes, you can. 关于多个静态目录的问题,可以。 Just app.use both; 只需应用app.use

app.use("/static", express.static(__dirname + "/assets"));
app.use("/static", express.static(__dirname + "/alternate_assets"));

The file will be served from the first directory where it's found (searching /assets first, then /alternate_assets ), but to make things less confusing, you may want to avoid having the same file name in both directories. 该文件将从找到该文件的第一个目录提供(先搜索/assets ,然后搜索/assets /alternate_assets ),但是为了减少混乱,您可能要避免在两个目录中使用相同的文件名。

None of the other answers had worked for me in the past because they were missing two small details: 过去没有其他答案对我有用,因为它们缺少两个小细节:

  • app.use calls to define static directories should be async (eg wrapped in a function), or they will try to execute before the websocket has finished establishing its connection (in my opinion, this is an issue with Connect -- the framework which Express is built on top of; I should be able to just start writing my code at the top of the file). 定义静态目录的app.use调用应该是异步的(例如,包装在函数中),否则它们将在websocket完成建立连接之前尝试执行(我认为,这是Connect的问题-Express的框架是建立在上面;我应该能够开始在文件顶部开始编写代码)。

  • These definitions need to happen before you send the HTML file that would have references to the URL, within that (async) function body. 这些定义需要您发送(异步)函数体内发送对URL引用的HTML文件之前进行

Like this: 像这样:

app.get('/', function (req, res) { 
  app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/static'));
  res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html'); 

And then you can include them in directly in your HTML (or SVG, etc.) like this: 然后,您可以将它们直接包含在HTML(或SVG等)中,如下所示:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="static/index.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/index.css">

<image x="0" y="0" xlink:href="static/picture.svg" /> <image x="0" y="0" xlink:href="static/picture.svg" />

• etc. •等

GET /app/static/foo/bar/buz ---> req.path === /app/static/foo/bar/buz so: GET / app / static / foo / bar / buz ---> req.path === / app / static / foo / bar / buz如下:

app.get('/app/static/:path*', function (req, res) {
    res.sendfile('assets' + req.path);

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