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[英]undefined method `where' in ruby on rails association

我有两个表table1和table2与has_many belongs_to关系(table1有很多table2,table2属于table1)我写的值就像table2.table1.where(.....)但我有以下错误

NoMethodError: undefined method `where' for #<table1:0xc59764c> 

If table2 belongs to table1 , then calling table2.table1 will give you a single object of type table1 . 如果table2属于table1 ,那么调用table2.table1会给你一个table1类型的对象。 You can't call where on a single object (nor does it make sense to do so), only on a table or relation. 你不能调用where一个对象(也没有意义的,这样做的),只在一个表或关系。

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