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[英]How do i use Apache for Upload and Nginx for Secure Download

I have a website, for file sharing which is in perl, now there is file index.dl which is used for download request. 我有一个网站,用于在perl中进行文件共享,现在有用于下载请求的文件index.dl。 In apache it creates a very high load, the load goes almost at 100. 在apache中,它会产生非常高的负载,负载几乎达到100。

Now i can not use nginx proxy. 现在我不能使用Nginx代理。

I want to set apache to handle all the uploads, and nginx to handle the download requests. 我想设置apache来处理所有上载,并设置nginx来处理下载请求。

I have checked there is a module "http-secure-link-module" so i have installed that as well. 我已经检查了有一个模块“ http-secure-link-module”,所以我也已经安装了它。

Now our site generates the file download link like 现在我们的网站生成文件下载链接,例如

xyz.com/d/$hash/filename.xyz xyz.com/d/$hash/filename.xyz

now this is the code that generates the link 现在这是生成链接的代码

sub genDirectLink
    my ($file,$mode,$mins,$fname)=@_;
    require HCE_MD5;
    my $hce = HCE_MD5->new($c->{dl_key},"mysecret");
    my $usr_id = $ses->getUser ? $ses->getUserId : 0;
    my $dx = sprintf("%d",($file->{file_real_id}||$file->{file_id})/$c->{files_per_folder});
    my $hash = &encode32( $hce->hce_block_encrypt(pack("SLLSA12ASC4L",
                                                       time+60*$mins)) );
    my ($url) = $file->{srv_htdocs_url}=~/(http:\/\/.+?)\//i;
    return "$url:182/d/$hash/$fname";

sub encode32
    if($l & 7)
        $e=substr($_,$l & ~7);
        $_=substr($_,0,$l & ~7);
        $_.="000$e" . '0' x (5-length $e);
    $_=pack('B*', $_);

and i have setup my nginx config as 我已经将我的nginx配置设置为

server {
    listen 182;
    server_name  myhost.com www.myhost.com;

    location / {
        root /home/user/domains/hostname.com/public_html/files;

    location /d/ {
        secure_link_secret mysecret;

        if ($secure_link = "") {
           return 403;
        rewrite ^ /files/$secure_link;

    location /files/ {

So now the problem is, when i tried to visit any link, it gives 404 error. 所以现在的问题是,当我尝试访问任何链接时,它会显示404错误。 how do i get file download working? 我如何才能下载文件?

this directive secure_link_secret , has been deprecated as of nginx 0.8.50, see: http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpSecureLinkModule 从nginx 0.8.50开始不推荐使用此指令secure_link_secret ,请参阅: http ://wiki.nginx.org/HttpSecureLinkModule

I made a code using the correct directive: 我使用正确的指令编写了代码:

server {
    listen 182;
    server_name  example.com;

    location / {
        root /home/fileshare/domains/fileshare4u.com/public_html/files;

    location ~^/d/(?P<hash>[^\/]+)/(?P<url>.*)$ {
        secure_link $hash,$arg_e;
        secure_link_md5 KEY$url$arg_e;

        if ($secure_link = "") {
           return 403;
  if ($secure_link = "0") {
            return 403;

    rewrite ^ /files/$url last;

    location /files/ {
        alias /tmp/;

perl hash generate: perl哈希生成:

use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
# http://search.cpan.org/~kazuho/MIME-Base64-URLSafe-0.01/lib/MIME/Base64/URLSafe.pm
use MIME::Base64::URLSafe;
$uri = "sitemap_artistas_1.xml.gz"; # FILE NAME
$key = "KEY"; # KEY
$expire = time() + 30; # 30s
$hash = urlsafe_b64encode(md5("$key$uri$expire"));
$domain = "example.com";
$port = "182";
return "http://$domain:$port/d/$hash/$uri?e=$expire";

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