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[英]Heap error while trying to deallocate memory

I wrote a program to allocate a matrix of PIXELs, each PIXEL is a struct that holds: 我编写了一个程序来分配一个PIXEL矩阵,每个PIXEL都是一个拥有以下结构的结构:

typedef struct Pixel {
    unsigned char red;
    unsigned char green;
    unsigned char blue;
    unsigned char gray;

Each matrix is being allocated using the following function: 使用以下功能分配每个矩阵:

PIXEL** createImageMatrix(FILE *fp, int height, int width)
    PIXEL **res;
    int i, j;

    res = (PIXEL**)malloc(sizeof(PIXEL*)*height);

    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
        res[i] = (PIXEL*)calloc(width, sizeof(PIXEL));
        printf("matrix[%d]: %p \n", i, res[i]);
    return res;

and deallocated using the following function: 并使用以下功能释放:

void freeImageMatrix(PIXEL **matrix, int height)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
        printf("matrix[%d]: %p \n", i, matrix[i]);

The call for freeImageMatrix() is the following: freeImageMatrix()的调用如下:

freeImageMatrix(matrix, height);

For debugging matters I print the addresses when they're allocated, get values and when I try to free them. 对于调试问题,我在分配地址时打印地址,获取值并在尝试释放地址时打印它们。 This is the output on command line: 这是命令行上的输出:

matrix[0]: 0x00881AA8
matrix[1]: 0x00881AE8
matrix[2]: 0x00881B28
matrix[3]: 0x00881B68
matrix[4]: 0x00881BA8
matrix[0]: 0x00881AA8
Press any key to continue . . .

And the error window that pops up says the following: 弹出的错误窗口显示以下内容:

HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after Normal block (#79) at 0x0061AA8.
CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.

The addresses which I allocate and try to deallocate match, so why in god's name is this happening to me? 我分配并尝试取消分配的地址匹配,那么为什么以上帝的名义发生在我身上?

Additions 加法

checkalloc() : checkalloc()

void checkalloc (void* memory)
    if (memory==NULL)
        printf("\nMemory allocation failed!\n");
        exit (1);

And this is how the values in the matrix gets their values: 这是矩阵中的值如何获取其值的方式:

    for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
        fscanf(fp, "%u", &(res[i][j]).red);
        fscanf(fp, "%u", &(res[i][j]).green);
        fscanf(fp, "%u", &(res[i][j]).blue);
        res[i][j].gray = (res[i][j].red + res[i][j].green + res[i][j].blue) / 3;

Somewhere else in your program there is a bug which is corrupting the heap which just happens to manifest itself when you try to free something off the heap. 在程序的其他位置,存在一个错误,该错误正在破坏堆,当您尝试从堆中释放某些内容时,它恰好表现出来。

I would look at the code prior to the freeImageMatrix call. 我将在freeImageMatrix调用之前查看代码。

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