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无法操纵来自xmlHttpRequest 2的响应

[英]cannot manipulate response from xmlHttpRequest 2

I'm using XHR 2 to upload/save files. 我正在使用XHR 2上载/保存文件。

According to the response of the server I want to perform an action. 根据服务器的响应,我要执行一个操作。 For example if the responce is "Saved" I want to hide a div or if the response is "Not Saved" I want to show another div etc... 例如,如果响应为“已保存”,我想隐藏一个div,或者如果响应为“未保存”,我想显示另一个div,等等。

I implemented what appears to be a simple code that should be working , but is not 我实现了似乎应该可以工作的简单代码,但是没有实现

Here is the snippet of the XHR 这是XHR的片段


     var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
          xhr.open('POST', 'upload.php');
          xhr.onload = function() {

                                  //if all ok.... 
                      if (xhr.status === 200)         
                                       //update html5 progress bar                                   
                       progress.value = progress.innerHTML = 100;

                                       //get the respnse  
                      var data=xhr.response;

                                      //convert it to sting - kind of overkill, I know, but I'm stack
                           var data2=data.toString();

                                      //alert it -- works    
                      alert('data2     '+data2);

                                 //now, do something, according to the response -- NOT working, never alert anything
                               if (data2=="Not Saved"){alert('Ooops, not saved');}

                                if(data2=="Saved"){alert('It's all good');} 

                              if(data2=="File too big"){alert('hey, you are watching Jake and Amir');}  



//refers to if (xhr.status === 200)               
else {document.getElementById("imagesaved").innerHTML="Connect to server failed";}

What is wrong here? 怎么了 This should be working right? 这应该工作正常吗? Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Thanks 谢谢


I put the alerts for testing. 我将警报进行测试。 What I actually want to do is call some functions. 我实际上想做的就是调用一些函数。

If I put 如果我放

if (data2=="Not Saved"){functionOne();}


if(data2=="File too big"){functionThree();} 

the functions never get called 这些函数永远不会被调用

if I put 如果我放

if (data2!="Not Saved"){functionOne();}


if(data2!="File too big"){functionThree();}

ALL the functions are called!!! 所有功能都被调用!!!

I still dont get it...Maybe its something with the response? 我还是不明白...也许它与响应有关? Or the onload function? 还是onload函数?

Thanks again 再次感谢

What I finally did is make the server response with numbers, not text. 我最后要做的是使服务器使用数字而不是文本进行响应。 So encoding does not matter any more... 因此编码不再重要...

This is the code 这是代码

    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onload = function() {
                      if (xhr.status == 200)          
                      var data=xhr.response;


         //say to  the user is saved

    //say to the user, there was an error


                        //say to the user that connection to the server failed
                     else {document.getElementById("imagesaved").innerHTML="Cannot connect";}

          xhr.open('POST', 'upload.php');

This is a workaround. 这是一种解决方法。 I dont know if its the right way to solve this problem , technically. 我不知道从技术上来说这是否是解决此问题的正确方法。 I decided to post it anyway, to help others to quickly solve similar problems. 我决定无论如何都要发布它,以帮助其他人快速解决类似的问题。 If anyboy else has a better way to suggest , please do. 如果还有其他人有更好的建议方法,请这样做。

In this line : if(data2=="Saved"){alert('It's all good');} , you have to escape " ' ". 在这一行: if(data2=="Saved"){alert('It's all good');} ,您必须转义“”。 So convert it to : if(data2=="Saved"){alert('It\\'s all good');} 因此将其转换为: if(data2=="Saved"){alert('It\\'s all good');}

Are you sure that the response of your ajax is text/plain ? 您确定ajax的响应是text / plain吗? Look on the console (ctrl+shift+i on chrome, F12 on firefox), on net or network tab. 在[网路]或[网路]标签上,在控制台上(Chrome上为Ctrl + Shift + i,Firefox为F12)。

Look on console tab if you got some javascript errors too. 如果您也遇到一些JavaScript错误,请查看控制台标签。

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