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FragmentStatePageAdapter缓存,重新创​​建活动后如何引用旧片段? (对于前-横向模式)

[英]FragmentStatePageAdapter cache, how do I reference old fragments after activity recreated? (for ex - landscape mode)

In my app I got a ViewPager which is showing 3 fragments in a swipe views layout. 在我的应用程序中,我有一个ViewPager,它以滑动视图的布局显示3个片段。 If the activity is recreated (for example, if I go to landscape mode) I can't get a reference to the fragments anymore. 如果重新创建了活动(例如,如果我进入横向模式),则无法再获得对片段的引用。

This is my Adapter 这是我的适配器

public class TabsPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter{
    public static final String FRAGMENT_MAP = "fragmentMap";
    private SparseArray<MyFragment> myFragmentMap = new SparseArray<MyFragment>();

    public TabsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm){

    public Fragment getItem(int arg0) {
        MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
            String nameOfTab = actionBar.getTabAt(arg0).getText().toString();
            ArrayList<VideoBookmark> listOfFragment = myBookmarkManager.getList(nameOfTab);
        args.putParcelableArrayList(MyFragment.ARG_LIST, listOfFragment);
        myFragmentMap.put(arg0, fragment);

        return fragment;

    //return mytabs.size()???
    public int getCount() {
        return NUM_OF_TABS;

    public void destroyItem (ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
        super.destroyItem(container, position, object);

    public Fragment getFragment(int key) {
        return myFragmentMap.get(key);

    public SparseArray<MyFragment> getFragmentMap(){
        return myFragmentMap;

    public void setNewFragmentMap(SparseArray<MyFragment> newMap){
        myFragmentMap = newMap;


I get null pointer exception in this line 我在这一行中得到空指针异常

//get current fragment
    int index = myViewPager.getCurrentItem();
    Fragment fragment = myTabsPagerAdapter.getFragment(index);

    EditText title = (EditText) fragment.getView().findViewById(R.id.new_title);

I checked, this is happening because the getItem method is not called, so I guess the adapter reuses old fragments in some way, but how can I access this fragments cache to get my old fragments and to be able to use the findViewById method? 我检查了一下,这是因为未调用getItem方法而发生的,所以我猜适配器会以某种方式重用旧片段,但是如何访问此片段缓存以获取旧片段并能够使用findViewById方法? Thank you! 谢谢!

getFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag()// <<-如果要动态管理片段getFragmentManager.findFragmentById()// <<-如果在布局文件中使用<fragment>。

I'm still not sure of this, but I solved calling instantiateItem(viewpager, position) to get the fragment at the given position. 我仍然不确定,但是我解决了调用instantiateItem(viewpager, position)来获取给定位置的片段。 If I got it right this method returns the fragment at the given position if it exists, if not it creates another one (I'm guessing it calls getItem() ) 如果我做对了,则此方法返回给定位置处的片段(如果存在),如果不存在,它将创建另一个片段(我猜它调用getItem()

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