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Drupal 7视图-循环到$ fields并获取内容

[英]Drupal 7 Views - loop into $fields and get the content

So far, I have done the following things. 到目前为止,我已经做了以下事情。

1 - created a view i called it (vue-du-galerie) with three fields (field_galerie_image,field__galerie_description,title) 1-创建了一个名为我的视图(vue-du-galerie),该视图具有三个字段(field_galerie_image,field__galerie_description,title)

2 - Created a custom theme as 'views-view-fields--vue-du-galerie.tpl.php' 2-创建了一个自定义主题为“ views-view-fields--vue-du-galerie.tpl.php”

3 - The block is working without a problem. 3-块正在正常运行。

the html markup of the three fields : 三个字段的html标记:

        <div class="content-block-contact content-block-gallerie">
            <section class="slider">
                <div id="slider" class="flexslider">
                    <ul class="slides">
                    <!--(from here)loop between all the image fields -->
                            <img src="images/6.png" /> <!--field_galerie_image-->
                            <img src="images/6.png" /> <!--field_galerie_image-->
                            <img src="images/6.png" /><!--field_galerie_image-->
                    <!--(to here)-->
                <div id="carousel" class="flexslider">
                    <ul class="slides">
                    <!--(from here)loop between all the fields and make them like this -->
                            <div class="field-image-gallerie"><img src="images/6.png" /><!--field_galerie_image--></div>
                            <div class="field-titre-gallerie"><h1>Thématique 1<!--title--></h1></div>
                            <div class="field-description-gallerie"><p>Lorem upsom dolor i,setLorem Lorem upsom dolor i,set <!--field__galerie_descriptiont-->n</p></div>
                            <div class="field-image-gallerie"><img src="images/6.png" /><!--field_galerie_image--></div>
                            <div class="field-titre-gallerie"><h1>Thématique 1<!--title--></h1></div>
                            <div class="field-description-gallerie"><p>Lorem upsom dolor i,setLorem Lorem upsom dolor i,se <!--field__galerie_descriptiont--></p></div>
                    <!--(to here)-->

i tried this code in views-view-fields--vue-du-galerie.tpl.php but it it"s not working : 我在views-view-fields--vue-du-galerie.tpl.php中尝试了此代码,但是它不起作用:

<div id="slider" class="flexslider">
    <ul class="slides">
        <?php foreach ($fields as $id => $field): ?>
                <?php print $field['field_galerie_image']->content; ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

<div id="carousel" class="flexslider">
    <ul class="slides">
        <?php foreach ($fields as $id => $field): ?>
                <div class="field-image-gallerie"><?php print $field['field_galerie_image']->content; ?></div>
                <div class="field-titre-gallerie"><h1><?php print $title; ?></h1></div>
                <div class="field-description-gallerie"><p><?php print $field['field__galerie_description']->content; ?></p></div>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

Maybe $field['YOUR_FIELD']->content is printing fields data with the extra markup added by views module. 也许$field['YOUR_FIELD']->content正在打印包含视图模块添加的额外标记的字段数据。

If that is the case, make sure that your view is printing only the field markup without any wrapper elements. 如果是这种情况,请确保您的视图仅打印字段标记,而没有任何包装元素。 From your view administration page admin/structure/views/view/VIEW_ID loop through all your fields. 从您的视图管理页面admin/structure/views/view/VIEW_ID遍历所有字段。

From Style settings ; Style settings ; check Customize field HTML and Customize field and label wrapper HTML , and change the value of HTML element to - None - . 检查Customize field HTMLCustomize field and label wrapper HTML ,和值更改HTML element- None -

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