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[英]Stream in NodeJS

I need some help to understand how stream work in NodeJS 我需要一些帮助来了解NodeJS中的流如何工作

I explain, i need to write a module which call a UNIX process (with spawn ) and I want to redirect the stdout of this process to a Readable Stream. 我解释一下,我需要编写一个调用UNIX进程的模块(使用spawn ),我想将此进程的stdout重定向到可读流。

I want this behavior to exports the Readable Stream and allow another module to read them. 我希望这种行为exports可读流并允许另一个模块读取它们。

To do this, I have write a little piece of code : 为此,我写了一小段代码:

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var Duplex = require('stream').Duplex;
var stream = new Duplex;

var start = function() {
    ps = spawn('mycmd', [/*... args ...*/]);

exports.stream = stream;
exports.start = start;

But if I use this module I throw an exception which say that the stream doesn't implement the _read method. 但是如果我使用这个模块,我会抛出一个异常,说该流没有实现_read方法。

Can you help me with this problem ? 你能帮我解决这个问题吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

[ EDIT ] I have try the solution of creating a Stream object, but that's doesnt work, here is the code: [ 编辑 ]我已经尝试了创建Stream对象的解决方案,但这不起作用,这里是代码:

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var Stream = require('stream');
var ps = null;

var audio = new Stream;
audio.readable = audio.writable = true;

var start = function() {
    if(ps == null) {
        ps = spawn('mycmd', []);


var stop = function() {
    if(ps) {
        ps = null;

exports.stream = stream;
exports.start = start;
exports.stop = stop;

But when I try to listen the stream, I encount an new error : 但是当我尝试收听流时,我会输入一个新错误:

    var written = dest.write(chunk);
TypeError: Object #<Stream> has no method 'write'

Most of Node's Stream classes aren't meant to be used directly, but as the base of a custom type: 大多数Node的Stream类不是直接使用的,而是作为自定义类型的基础:

Note that stream.Duplex is an abstract class designed to be extended with an underlying implementation of the _read(size) and _write(chunk, encoding, callback) methods as you would with a Readable or Writable stream class. 请注意, stream.Duplex是一个抽象类,旨在使用_read(size)_write(chunk, encoding, callback)方法的底层实现进行扩展,就像使用Readable或Writable流类一样。

One notable exception is stream.PassThrough , which is a simple echo stream implementation. 一个值得注意的例外是stream.PassThrough ,它是一个简单的回声流实现。

var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;
var stream = new PassThrough;

Also note that ps will be a global , making it directly accessible in all other modules. 另请注意, ps将是全局的 ,使其可以在所有其他模块中直接访问。

If you simply want to use stream then you should do : 如果您只是想使用流,那么您应该:

var stream = new Stream;
stream.readable = stream.writable = true;

Duplex is meant for developers. Duplex适用于开发人员。 Some methods like _read and _write need to be implemented for it. 需要为它实现一些像_read_write这样的方法。

[ Update ] [ 更新 ]

OK, you have data source, from the stdout. 好的,你有来自stdout的数据源。 You will need write function, use this : 你需要write函数,使用这个:

stream.write = function(data){this.emit('data', data);};

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