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[英]Styling Wpf Pie Chart

Here is my xaml for the pie chart. 这是饼图的我的xaml。

<chartingToolkit:Chart  Name="pieChart" Title="Top Products" Margin="10,10,0,0" Height="262" BorderBrush="#00000000" DataContext="{Binding}" IsHitTestVisible="False" IsTabStop="True" ForceCursor="True">
        <chartingToolkit:PieSeries DependentValuePath="Value" IndependentValuePath="Key" ItemsSource="{Binding}" IsSelectionEnabled="True" />

            <!-- Plot area-->
                <Style TargetType="Grid">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="White" />

And Here is the code for filling the data 这是填充数据的代码

public void GenerateChart()
    List<KeyValuePair<string, double>> valueList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, double>>();
    valueList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, double>("Apple", 101));
    valueList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, double>("Banana", 201));
    valueList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, double>("Cake", 20));
    valueList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, double>("Others", 200));      

    pieChart.Title = "Top Products";
    pieChart.DataContext = valueList;

And the output is as follows 输出如下


Now how do i change the background color of various segments of the chart. 现在我如何更改图表各个部分的背景颜色。 Similar to below chart. 类似于下面的图表。


I think that you should be able to use a Color Palette . 我认为你应该能够使用调色板 Take a look at the How to set a default colour to the Pie slices in WPF Pie chart post here on StackOverflow. 请看一下如何在StackOverflow上的WPF饼图中设置默认颜色到Pie切片

Additionally, take a look at the Chart Appearance article on MSDN. 另外,请查看MSDN上的Chart Appearance文章。

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