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[英]Rally Chart with Black Background

I see a couple questions out there like this: Rally Standard Report charts with a black background , where people want to be able to change the background color of the charts. 我看到了几个这样的问题: 黑色背景的Rally Standard Report图表 ,人们希望能够更改图表的背景颜色。 Has anyone figured out how to set the theme for the highcharts rendering? 有没有人想出如何为highcharts渲染设置主题? Ideally, I'd like to do a chart like this: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/area-inverted/gray . 理想情况下,我想绘制如下图表: http : //www.highcharts.com/demo/area-inverted/gray

I'm using java script with the 2.0rc1 interface. 我将Java脚本与2.0rc1接口配合使用。

I found this while trying to solve a similar problem: Rally chart documentation 我在尝试解决类似问题时发现了这一点: 拉力表文档

If you use the updateBeforeRender option, you can reference Highcharts, specifically the method: 如果使用updateBeforeRender选项,则可以引用Highcharts,特别是方法:


which is what you need to use something like the gray theme. 这就是您需要使用灰色主题之类的东西。

Here is what my chart config looks like: 这是我的图表配置:

    xtype: 'rallychart',
    updateBeforeRender: function() {
        Highcharts.theme = {...}

Copy the theme code from the Highcharts documentation and you should be good to go! 复制Highcharts文档中的主题代码,您应该一切顺利!

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