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[英]Adding scrollbar to an activeX control in MFC

I'm trying to create an activeX control using Microsoft Foundation Class Library. 我正在尝试使用Microsoft基础类库创建一个activeX控件。

I have created the control. 我已经创建了控件。 It's a graph control. 这是一个图形控件。 I have placed some buttons on the control as well. 我也在控件上放置了一些按钮。

I am trying to add a scrollbar to my control using CScrollBar class. 我正在尝试使用CScrollBar类将滚动条添加到我的控件中。

I create the control using CScrollBar::Create method. 我使用CScrollBar::Create方法创建控件。 I can see the control when use my activeX control in an application. 在应用程序中使用我的activeX控件时,我可以看到该控件。

I have added the OnHScroll method to my control class. 我已经将OnHScroll方法添加到控件类中。 This derives from COleControl class . 这是从COleControl类派生的。

When I scroll I use CScrollBar::GetScrollPos to get the scroll position which I always returns zero. 滚动时,我使用CScrollBar::GetScrollPos来获取滚动位置,该位置始终返回零。

Here is the code for creating the scrollbar in activeX control. 这是在activeX控件中创建滚动条的代码。

Code for Control in MainClass.h file: MainClass.h文件中的控制代码:

CScrollBar m_HScrollBar;

afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar); 

Code for Control in MainClass.cpp in OnCreate() method for creating the scrollbar: 用于创建滚动条的OnCreate()方法中MainClass.cpp中的控件代码:

m_HScrollBar.Create(SBS_HORZ | WS_CHILD| WS_VISIBLE , CRect(rcBottomStrip.left  ,
rcBottomStrip.bottom  ,
rcBottomStrip.right ,
rcBottomStrip.bottom  + (tHeight*3)/125),this, 315);

m_HScrollBar.SetScrollRange(0, 2048);

ScrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ScrollInfo);
ScrollInfo.fMask = SIF_RANGE;        
ScrollInfo.nMin = 0;                
ScrollInfo.nMax = 1128;              
ScrollInfo.nPage = 100;              
ScrollInfo.nPos = 0;                
ScrollInfo.nTrackPos = 0;          

In OnHScroll method to return the scroll position and moving the scrollbar: OnHScroll方法中返回滚动位置并移动滚动条:

int CurPos = m_HScrollBar.GetScrollPos();

I replaced the CScrollBar and used HWND instead. 我更换了CScrollBar并改用了HWND。 So my code changed like this: 所以我的代码是这样改变的:

//MainClass.h //MainClass.h

HWND m_wndHScrollBar;

//MainClass.cpp //MainClass.cpp

m_wndHScrollBar = (CreateWindowEx( 
                    0,                      // no extended styles 
                    SCROLLBAR,           // scroll bar control class 
                    (PTSTR) NULL,           // no window text 
                    WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE   // window styles  
                        | SBS_HORZ,         // horizontal scroll bar style 
                    left,              // horizontal position 
                    bottom, // vertical position 
                    right,             // width of the scroll bar 
                    height,               // height of the scroll bar
                    m_hWnd,             // handle to main window 
                    (HMENU) ID_HSCROLLBAR,           // no menu 
                    GetModuleHandle(NULL),                // instance owning this window 
                    (PVOID) NULL            // pointer not needed 

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