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[英]How to compare second page getting correct data from first page or not(Functional testing) in Telerik test studio

Am testing siliverlight web application. 正在测试siliverlight Web应用程序。

In my application i have to verify total,price in invoice page with price and total in journal history page. 在我的应用程序中,我必须在发票页面上使用价格和日记帐历史记录页面中的总和来验证总价格。

whether journal history getting correct data from invoice or not i have to test. 日记历史记录是否从发票中获取正确的数据,我是否必须测试。

Invoice in one page and journal history in other page.how to verify the data. 一页上有发票,另一页上有日记历史。如何验证数据。

I have attached invoice image and journal history image please look at that.assist some body how to do that functional test.Please give reply as soon as possible. 我已附上发票图像和日记历史图像,请查看。协助一些机构进行功能测试。请尽快给予答复。

The attachments you referenced do not display with your question, however, I believe the following is what you want to do. 您引用的附件未显示您的问题,但是,我相信以下是您想要做的。

1) With recorder navigate to invoice page
2) Enable hover over elements
3) Hover over your element containing the value 'price', click on the blue dot, click on 'Quick Tasks' then select 'Extract - text contains...'
4) Repeat for element containing value for 'total'
5) Databind each variable with a unique name on the test steps page
6) Navigate to your journal History page
7) Hover over the element that contains the value for total, click the blue dot, select 'Build Verification', click content, then click ok
8) Repeat for element containing value for 'total'
9) Go back to test steps click on the verification steps and apply the binding from steps 3 and 4.

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