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[英]Unable to find debug key in keystore in Eclipse

I'm receiving this error when trying to use a custom debug.keystore in Eclipse for my Android application. 尝试在Eclipse中为我的Android应用程序使用自定义debug.keystore时收到此错误。

I'm using these commands to generate my keystore: 我正在使用以下命令来生成我的密钥库:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias androidfacebookdebugkey -storepass android -keypass android -keyalg RSA -validity 14000

Is there any special way to generate a debug keystore for eclipse? 有什么特殊的方法可以为Eclipse生成调试密钥库吗? I've never had to do anything in addition to this for any other IDEs. 除此以外,对于其他任何IDE,我都不需要做任何其他事情。

The default keystore that is used by eclipse has a default password android and an alias of androiddebugkey . eclipse使用的默认密钥库的默认密码为android ,别名为androiddebugkey My guess is eclipse is trying to sign the debug apk using the default values mentioned above and so it fails. 我的猜测是eclipse尝试使用上述默认值对调试apk进行签名,因此它失败了。

GO to Window >> Preferences >> Android >> Build 转到窗口>>首选项>> Android >>构建

It will display default debug.keystore location,MD5 and SHA1 fingerprint 它将显示默认的debug.keystore位置,MD5和SHA1指纹

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