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[英]Accessing .config file inside a DotNetNuke Module

I have implemented a DNN module that uses a user-defined control (this user-defined control has implemented GoogleAnalytics tracking for our own use). 我已经实现了一个使用用户定义控件的DNN模块(这个用户定义的控件已经实现了GoogleAnalytics跟踪供我们自己使用)。

The control needs to access a config file in order to grab the configuration settings of our google analytics account. 控件需要访问配置文件才能获取我们的Google Analytics(分析)帐户的配置设置。 For example, the account code (UA-dddddd-dd), etc. 例如,帐户代码(UA-dddddd-dd)等。

My question: Since I'm installing the module on DotNetNuke, where is the proper location to put the config file at OR what config file would it be accessing by default? 我的问题:由于我在DotNetNuke上安装模块,将配置文件放在OR的正确位置在哪里,默认情况下它将访问哪个配置文件?

The piece of code in the control that attempts to access the config file is provided below: 控件中尝试访问配置文件的代码段如下所示:

string path = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
FrameworkConfig.instance = new FrameworkConfig(ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedMachineConfiguration(new ConfigurationFileMap(path + ".config")));

note: FrameworkConfig is a wrapper class for System.Configuration object. 注意: FrameworkConfigSystem.Configuration对象的包装类。

In short, I need to know what does Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase return when called through a DNN module? 简而言之,我需要知道当通过DNN模块调用时, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase返回什么? other alternatives? 其他选择?

If you add keys to the appsettings section of the DNN site's web.config, you can retrieve them using: 如果您将密钥添加到DNN站点的web.config的appsettings部分,您可以使用以下命令检索它们:


However, it is a better practice, and makes sense in this case to create a Settings control in your module and to store the information there. 但是,这是一种更好的做法,在这种情况下有意义的是在模块中创建一个Settings控件并在那里存储信息。

You do this by creating an ascx control that inherits from DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleSettingsBase and stores settings in the base Settings Dictionary for you module. 您可以通过创建一个继承自DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleSettingsBase的ascx控件并将设置存储在您的模块的基本设置字典中来完成此操作。

Your other module view controls can access the settings via a similar Dictionary object called Settings that is part of the ModuleUserControlBase class. 您的其他模块视图控件可以通过名为Settings的类似Dictionary对象访问设置,该对象是ModuleUserControlBase类的一部分。

For an example of how to use module settings, check out this DNN7 tutorial video and article . 有关如何使用模块设置的示例,请查看此DNN7教程视频和文章 A sample project with all the code is in the Related Files section of the article. 包含所有代码的示例项目位于本文的“相关文件”部分。

I found the GetSetting method returned null. 我发现GetSetting方法返回null。 It's probably not best practice but this has worked great for me in the past. 这可能不是最好的做法,但这对我来说过去很有用。

using System.Configuration;

var slug = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EE.MandrillTemplateSlug"];

With app setting such as: 使用应用程序设置,例如:

<add key="EE.MandrillTemplateSlug" value="newsletter" />

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