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[英]Maven: How do I get .so libraries bundled in package

I have a third party library coming with .jar and .so file. 我有一个第三方库,附带.jar和.so文件。

I configured pom.xml as following: 我将pom.xml配置如下:


With this configure, I successfully tested through Intellij and apk file under target contains structure like lib/armeabi/sdc.so 有了这个配置,我成功通过Intellij和apk文件测试目标包含的结构如lib / armeabi / sdc.so

However, after I do mvn clean package , the apk file generated did not contain sdc.so file, and after installing apk file on android device, lib folder is empty. 但是,在我做了mvn clean package ,生成的apk文件不包含sdc.so文件,并且在android设备上安装apk文件后,lib文件夹为空。

Searching through the internet, and did not find answer. 通过互联网搜索,并没有找到答案。

Btw, I do add <nativeLibrariesDirectory>${project.basedir}/libs</nativeLibrariesDirectory> into pluginManagement as mentioned Native libraries (.so files) are not added to an android project , but does not help. 顺便说一句,我确实将<nativeLibrariesDirectory>${project.basedir}/libs</nativeLibrariesDirectory>到pluginManagement中,如上所述Native库(.so文件)没有添加到android项目中 ,但没有帮助。

Updates: 更新:

If someone is facing same problem as I am that SO file did not copy over, please try manually copy the so file over as following: 如果某人遇到与我相同的问题,SO文件没有复制,请尝试手动复制so文件,如下所示:


我建议查看Assembly插件: http//maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/我还没有在任何Android项目中使用过它,但我确实在我的常规java服务器项目中使用它要求非maven项目在预期的位置。

I suggest you to use maven-android-plugin version 2.8.3 or more. 我建议你使用maven-android-plugin 2.8.3或更高版本。

The scope of your native lib must be runtime (not sure it is required, but anyway it's a fact) 您的本机库的范围必须是runtime (不确定它是否是必需的,但无论如何它是一个事实)

The artifactId must start with lib (ie it must be libsdc) artifactId必须以lib开头(即必须是libsdc)


The artifactId will be the library name so load it with this line of code artifactId将是库名,因此使用此行代码加载它


reference 参考

Note : I don't know if sdc if the real artifactId, but if it's the case you must consider re-publishing it with the lib prefix. 注意 :我不知道sdc是否真的是artifactId,但是如果是这种情况你必须考虑用lib前缀重新发布它。

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