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SQL Server Service Broker消息与对话与对话框

[英]SQL Server Service Broker Message vs Conversation vs Dialog

I am reading the docs on SQL Server Service Broker, and I am having a hard time figuring out the difference between a Message, Dialog and a Conversation. 我正在阅读SQL Server Service Broker上的文档,我很难搞清楚Message,Dialog和Conversation之间的区别。

At first I thought a Conversation was a collection of Dialogs, but that appears to be a Conversation Group. 起初我认为Conversation是Dialogs的集合,但它似乎是一个Conversation Group。 Unless a Conversation Group is a collection of a collection of Dialogs. 除非会话组是对话集合的集合。

I have also read some docs that seem to indicate that a Dialog and a Conversation are the same thing. 我还阅读了一些似乎表明对话和对话是相同的文档。

From what I have read, a Dialog usually contains a normal message and an acknowledgement message. 根据我的阅读,Dialog通常包含正常消息和确认消息。 I have tried to send more than one message in a single dialog and it was not received by the target, so I am guessing that it has a limit of one to target and one back to the initiator. 我试图在一个对话框中发送多条消息,并且目标没有接收到它,因此我猜测它有一个目标限制,一个返回发起者。

But I can't seem to find any docs that nail this down. 但我似乎无法找到任何可以解决这个问题的文档。

If someone could outline the relationship a Message has with a Dialog and a Dialog with a Conversation that would be great! 如果有人可以概述一个消息与一个Dialog和一个带有对话的对话的关系 ,这将是伟大的!

I found this very confusing also when I was learning ServiceBroker... 当我学习ServiceBroker时,我发现这也很混乱......

If I recall correctly, a Dialog is a type of Conversation (**). 如果我没有记错,一个Dialog是一个类型Conversation (**)。 Now as it happens there is only one type of Conversation (Dialogs), so they are effectively the same thing, and the doc frequently talks about them as though they are the same thing. 现在碰巧只有一种类型的对话(Dialogs),所以它们实际上是同一个东西,而且doc经常谈论它们,好像它们是同一个东西。 But they are not quite the same, and if Microsoft ever adds another type, then it will be important to distinguish between them. 但它们并不完全相同,如果微软增加了另一种类型,那么区分它们就很重要了。

A Messsage is pretty much what you think it is: Conversations consist of a sequence of Messages. Messsage几乎就是您的想法:对话由一系列消息组成。

(** -- I may have this backwards. Hopefully @RemusRusanu will correct me if I do :-) ) (** - 我可能会倒退。如果我这样做,希望@RemusRusanu会纠正我:-))

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