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包中的Cython Pickling“未找到”错误

[英]Cython Pickling in Package “not found as” Error

I'm having trouble pickling a Cython class, but only when it's defined inside a package. 我在挑选一个Cython类时遇到了麻烦,但只有当它在一个包中定义时才会出现问题。 This problem was noted previously online , but they didn't state how it was resolved. 之前在线注意到了这个问题,但他们没有说明它是如何解决的。 There are two components here: the Cython pickling using a __reduce__ method and a package error. 这里有两个组件:使用__reduce__方法的Cython酸洗和包错误。

Cython Pickling Success Cython酸洗成功

I'll first show how it works without the package part. 我将首先展示它如何在没有包装部件的情况下工作。 This example works correctly. 此示例正常工作。

Cython File Cython文件

My Cython file is reudce.pyx : 我的Cython文件是reudce.pyx

cdef class Foo(object):
    cdef int n

    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n

    def __reduce__(self):
        return Foo, (self.n,)

Setup File 设置文件

This may be compiled with a setup.py : 这可以使用setup.py编译:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

    cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
    ext_modules = [Extension("reduce", ["reduce.pyx"])]

by executing python setup.py build && cp build/lib*/reduce.so . 通过执行python setup.py build && cp build/lib*/reduce.so .

Test Script 测试脚本

The test script is called test_reduce.py and is: 测试脚本名为test_reduce.py ,它是:

import reduce
import pickle
f = reduce.Foo(4)
print pickle.dumps(f)

Executing python test_reduce.py works fine. 执行python test_reduce.py工作正常。

Cython Pickling in Package Failure 包装失败时的Cython酸洗

However, once the reduce.pyx is put into a package, there is an error. 但是,一旦将reduce.pyx放入包中,就会出错。

Package Creation 包装创建

To reproduce this, first create a package called bar . 要重现这一点,首先要创建一个名为bar的包。

mkdir bar
mv reduce.so bar
echo "from reduce import Foo" > bar/__init__.py 

Test Script 测试脚本

Change the test_reduce.py file to be: test_reduce.py文件更改为:

import bar
import pickle
f = bar.Foo(4)
print pickle.dumps(f)

Error Message 错误信息

Running python test_reduce.py gives the following error: 运行python test_reduce.py会出现以下错误:

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/pickle.py", line 286, in save
  f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/pickle.py", line 748, in save_global
  (obj, module, name))
pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'reduce.Foo'>: it's not found as reduce.Foo

There is a catch of errors which are all turned into a PicklingError in pickle.py After looking at that code, the specific error which is occuring is: pickle.py错误在pickle.py变成了pickle.py 。查看该代码后,发生的具体错误是:

ImportError: No module named reduce

Sanity Test 理智测试

To check that there is not some kind of scope or other issue, if I run the steps which the pickle module should execute, everything works: 要检查是否存在某种范围或其他问题,如果我运行pickle模块应执行的步骤,一切正常:

f = bar.Foo(4)
call, args = f.__reduce__()
print call(*args)

So what's going on here?! 那么这里发生了什么?!

The problem was in the build script. 问题出在构建脚本中。 The Pickle module uses the __module__ attribute of a function/class for pickling. Pickle模块使用函数/类的__module__属性进行酸洗。 That __module__ attribute comes from the first argument to the Extension() constructor in the setup.py script. __module__属性来自setup.py脚本中Extension()构造函数的第一个参数。 Since I defined my constructor to be Extension('reduce', ['reduce.pyx']) , the __module__ attribute is reduce . 由于我将构造函数定义为Extension('reduce', ['reduce.pyx']) ,因此__module__属性为reduce It should be bar/reduce though since it's now in a package. 它应该是bar/reduce因为它现在在一个包中。

Making setup.py look like: 使setup.py看起来像:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

    cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
    ext_modules = [Extension('bar/reduce', ['reduce.pyx'])]

solves the problem. 解决了这个问题。


maybe something like this is possible: Foo.__module__ = 'bar.reduce' in bar/__init__.py 也许这样的事情是可能的: Foo.__module__ = 'bar.reduce'bar/__init__.py

Or you can use the module copyreg . 或者您可以使用模块copyreg Here are some snippets from the code of copyreg: 以下是copyreg代码中的一些片段:

"""Helper to provide extensibility for pickle.

This is only useful to add pickle support for extension types defined in
C, not for instances of user-defined classes.

def pickle(ob_type, pickle_function, constructor_ob=None):
    # ...

# Example: provide pickling support for complex numbers.

except NameError:

    def pickle_complex(c):
        return complex, (c.real, c.imag)

    pickle(complex, pickle_complex, complex)


Pickle does this: Pickle这样做:

        __import__(module, level=0)
        mod = sys.modules[module]
        klass = getattr(mod, name)
    except (ImportError, KeyError, AttributeError):
        raise PicklingError(
            "Can't pickle %r: it's not found as %s.%s" %
            (obj, module, name))

Can you try out which line fails? 你能试试哪条线路失败吗?

When pickle piclkes classes and functions like module.function it reasssures itself that this is the right function meant: 当pickle piclkes类和函数如module.function它会重新确认这是正确的函数意味着:

# module.py
def function(): # 1
a = function
def function(): # 2

Function 1 in a can not be pickled but function 2 can be pickled because it is found in the module under the __name__ it has which is "function". 在功能1 a不能被酸洗,但因为它的下模块中发现的功能2可以腌__name__它具有为“功能”。

So in your case pickle does not find the same class Foo in the reduce module as is passed as argument. 因此,在您的情况下,pickle在reduce模块中找不到与作为参数传递的相同的类Foo The argument Foo claims to be found in the module reduce . Foo声称可以在模块reduce找到。

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