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将24h转换为AM / PM格式

[英]Convert 24h to AM/PM format

I have a numeric variable, to be plotted on the x-axis, containing digits from 0 to 23. I a) need to convert these hours into Date objects in order to visualize them in a ggplot , and I b) want to have the x-axis display these numbers in am/pm format. 我有一个数字变量,要在x轴上绘制,包含从0到23的数字。我a)需要将这些小时数转换为Date对象,以便在ggplot其可视化;我b)想要x轴以am / pm格式显示这些数字。

So far I have: 到目前为止,我有:

Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "English")
# data
hod <- structure(list(h = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), 
t = c(NA, 2L, 4L, 1L, 3L, NA, 2L, 4L, 1L, 3L), n = c(226L, 
226L, 226L, 226L, 226L, 226L, 226L, 226L, 226L, 226L), mean = c(4.52654867256637, 
33.6769911504425, 6.34513274336283, 30.3672566371681, 0.309734513274336, 
2.84513274336283, 20.0088495575221, 3.38938053097345, 17.7787610619469, 
0.101769911504425), std = c(2.74131025125736, 13.4781731703065, 
3.0316031901839, 10.9165210711549, 0.603524251739029, 2.25142987605743, 
10.9354466064168, 2.27892859595505, 8.76056582129717, 0.33032092222724
)), .Names = c("h", "t", "n", "mean", "std"), row.names = c(NA, 
10L), class = "data.frame")

ggplot(hod, aes(x=h, y=mean, colour=as.factor(t))) + 
geom_line(size = .1) +
geom_point() +

hod$h would actually continue up until 23 , but I only included 0 and 1 for reasons of space. hod$h实际上将一直持续到23 ,但是出于空间原因,我只包括了01 What I want is the x-axis to show 6am, 9am, 12am, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12pm , or something like this. 我想要的是x轴显示6am, 9am, 12am, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12pm或类似的东西。 Can't be that hard can it? 可以这么难吗? I tried experimenting with scale_x_date which requires a Date object, but I failed because I didn't know how to deal with the origin - there isn't any origin just hours! 我尝试使用需要Date对象的scale_x_date进行试验,但是失败了,因为我不知道如何处理原点-数小时内没有任何原点!

You could use strftime to format times as you require and use this as the x aesthetic. 您可以根据需要使用strftime格式化时间,并将其用作x美感。 You will then have to also use a grouping aesthetic. 然后,您还必须使用分组美学。 We use lubridate to make it easy to work with hours. 我们使用lubridate使其易于长时间工作。 Try this: 尝试这个:

hod$time <- tolower( strftime( Sys.Date()+hours(hod$h) , "%I %p" ) )
# [1] "12 am" "12 am" "12 am" "12 am" "12 am" "01 am" "01 am" "01 am" "01 am" "01 am"

ggplot(hod, aes( x = time , y=mean, colour=as.factor(t) , group = t ) ) + 
geom_line(size = .1) +


ggplot(hod, aes( x = h , y=mean, colour=as.factor(t))) + 
  geom_line(size = .1) +
  geom_point() +
                              "12 pm",
                              "0 am")) 


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