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为什么无法致电列表 <Number> 不与列表 <Integer> 即使整数扩展了数字?

[英]Why is it not possible to call List<Number> not with List<Integer> even if Integer extends Number?

I was wondering why is it not possible to call List<Number> not with List<Integer > even Integer is an extended class of the abstract class Number ? 我想知道为什么即使Integer是Number抽象类的扩展类,也无法通过List<Integer >调用List<Number>呢? There is a logical error as I could call a Method with the parameter Number also with Integer. 存在逻辑错误,因为我也可以使用整数来调用带有参数Number的Method。

public class Que

public void enterNumbers(List<Number> nummern)
    for (Number number : nummern)
        System.out.println(number + "\n");

public void enterNum(Number num)
    System.out.println("This is a number " + num);

public static void main(String[] args)
    Que que = new Que();

    Integer myInteger = new Integer(7);
    // possible (of course!)

    List<Integer> num = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Integer inte = new Integer(333);

    // not possible ! 

To solve it I could work with List<?> or List<? extends Number> 为了解决这个问题,我可以使用List<?>List<? extends Number> List<? extends Number> ... so I don't need the solution I want to know the exact reason. List<? extends Number> ...,所以我不需要我想知道确切原因的解决方案。

The only solution I could think of List is bind with Number as a new Type of Data Structure. 我能想到的唯一解决方案是将Number绑定为新的数据结构类型。

Because you could eg add an instance of a different subclass of Number to List<Number> , eg, an object of type Double , but obviously you shouldn't be allowed to add them to List<Integer> : 因为您可以例如将Number的另一个子类的实例添加到List<Number> (例如, Double类型的对象),但是显然您不应该被允许将它们添加到List<Integer>

public void myMethod(List<Number> list) {
    list.add(new Double(5.5));

If you were allowed to call myMethod with an instance of List<Integer> this would result in a type clash when add is called. 如果允许您使用List<Integer>的实例调用myMethod ,则在调用add时将导致类型冲突。

Generics are not co-varient like arrays. 泛型不是像数组那样的协变量。 This is not allowed because of type erasure. 由于类型擦除,因此不允许这样做。

Consider classes Vehicle , Bike and Car . 考虑类VehicleBikeCar

If you make 如果你做

public void addVehicle(List<Vehicle> vehicles){
    vehicles.add(new Car());
  • This is possible, because a Car is of type Vehicle , you can add a Car into Vehicle because it passes IS-A test. 这是有可能的,因为Car属于Vehicle类型,您可以将Car添加到Vehicle因为它通过了IS-A测试。
  • But what if it was allowed to pass a List<Bike> to addVehicle(List<Vehicle> vehicles) ? 但是,如果允许传递List<Bike>addVehicle(List<Vehicle> vehicles)怎么办?

you would have added a Car to bike list. 您应该将“ Car添加到自行车”列表中。 which is plain wrong. 这是完全错误的。 So generics doesn't allow this. 因此,泛型不允许这样做。

Read about Polymorphism with generics 阅读有关泛型的多态性

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