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[英]Java Minimum and Maximum values in Array

My code does not give errors, however it is not displaying the minimum and maximum values. 我的代码没有给出错误,但它没有显示最小值和最大值。 The code is: 代码是:

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

int array[] = new int[10];

System.out.println("Enter the numbers now.");

for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    int next = input.nextInt();
    // sentineil that will stop loop when 999 is entered
    if (next == 999) {
    array[i] = next;
    // get biggest number
    // get smallest number

System.out.println("These are the numbers you have entered.");

// getting the maximum value
public static int getMaxValue(int[] array) {
    int maxValue = array[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
        if (array[i] > maxValue) {
            maxValue = array[i];
    return maxValue;

// getting the miniumum value
public static int getMinValue(int[] array) {
    int minValue = array[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
        if (array[i] < minValue) {
            minValue = array[i];
    return minValue;

//this method prints the elements in an array......
//if this case is true, then that's enough to prove to you that the user input has  //been stored in an array!!!!!!!
public static void printArray(int arr[]) {
    int n = arr.length;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");

Do I need a system.out.println() to display it, or should the return work? 我需要system.out.println()来显示它,还是返回工作?

// get smallest number

You are calling the methods but not using the returned values. 您正在调用方法但不使用返回的值。


You can try this too, If you don't want to do this by your method. 您也可以尝试这样做,如果您不想通过您的方法执行此操作。

    System.out.println("Min value "+arr[0]);
    System.out.println("Max value "+arr[arr.length-1]);

Here is the working code to find the min and max in the array.I hope you will find it helpful: 这是找到数组中最小值和最大值的工作代码。我希望你会发现它有用:

 import java.util.Random;
 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class FindMin {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Main Method Started");
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter the size of the arr");
        int size = in.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter the maximum value of the arr");
        int max = in.nextInt();
        int [] arr  = initializeArr(max, size);
        System.out.println("Main Method Ended");
    public static void print(int[] arr){
        for(int val:arr){
            System.out.print(val + " ");
    public static int[] initializeArr(int max,int size){
        Random random = new Random();
        int [] arr = new int[size];
        for(int ii=0;ii<arr.length;ii++){
        return arr;
    public static void findMinMax(int[] arr){
        int min=arr[0];
        int max=arr[0];
        for(int ii=0;ii<arr.length;ii++){
            else if(arr[ii]>max){
        System.out.println("The minimum in the arr::"+min);
        System.out.println("The maximum in the arr::"+max);

Imho one of the simplest Solutions is: - Imho最简单的解决方案之一是: -



You just throw away Min/Max values: 你只需丢弃最小值/最大值:

  // get biggest number
  getMaxValue(array); // <- getMaxValue returns value, which is ignored
  // get smallest number
  getMinValue(array); // <- getMinValue returns value, which is ignored as well

You can do something like 你可以做点什么

  array[i] = next;

  System.out.print("Max value = ");
  System.out.println(getMaxValue(array)); // <- Print out getMaxValue value

  System.out.print("Min value = ");
  System.out.println(getMinValue(array)); // <- Print out getMinValue value


You are doing two mistakes here. 你在这里犯了两个错误。
1. calling getMaxValue(),getMinValue() methods before array initialization completes. 1.在数组初始化完成之前调用getMaxValue(),getMinValue()方法。
2.Not storing return value returned by the getMaxValue(),getMinValue() methods. 2.不存储getMaxValue(),getMinValue()方法返回的返回值。
So try this code 所以试试这个代码

   for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++ ) 
       int next = input.nextInt();
       // sentineil that will stop loop when 999 is entered
       if (next == 999)
       array[i] = next;
  // get biggest number
  int maxValue = getMaxValue(array);
  System.out.println(maxValue );

  // get smallest number
  int minValue = getMinValue(array);

your maximum, minimum method is right 你的最大,最小方法是正确的

but you don't print int to console! 但你不打印到控制台的int!

and... maybe better location change (maximum, minimum) methods 并...可能更好的位置变化(最大,最小)方法

now (maximum, minimum) methods in the roop. 现在(最大,最小)方法在roop中。 it is need not.. just need one call 它不需要......只需要一个电话

i suggest change this code 我建议更改此代码

    for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++ ) {
       int next = input.nextInt();
       // sentineil that will stop loop when 999 is entered
       if (next == 999)
       array[i] = next;
System.out.println("max Value : " + getMaxValue(array));
System.out.println("min Value : " + getMinValue(array));
System.out.println("These are the numbers you have entered.");

Yes you need to use a System.out.println . 是的,您需要使用System.out.println But you are getting the minimum and maximum everytime they input a value and don't keep track of the number of elements if they break early. 但是,每次输入值时,您都会获得最小值和最大值,并且如果它们提前中断,则不会跟踪元素的数量。

Try: 尝试:

for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++ ) {
       int next = input.nextInt();
       // sentineil that will stop loop when 999 is entered
       if (next == 999)

       array[i] = next;
 int length = i;
 // get biggest number
 int large = getMaxValue(array, length);
 // get smallest number
 int small = getMinValue(array, length);

 // actually print
 System.out.println( "Max: " + large + " Min: " + small );

Then you will have to pass length into the methods to determine min and max and to print. 然后,您必须将长度传递给方法以确定最小值和最大值并打印。 If you don't do this, the rest of the fields will be 0 and can mess up the proper min and max values. 如果不这样做,其余字段将为0并且可能弄乱正确的最小值和最大值。

Here you haven't print the max and min values. 在这里,您没有打印最大值和最小值。 Print the max and min values in the getMaxVal and getMin val methods or after the call. 在getMaxVal和getMin val方法中或在调用之后打印max和min值。 This is the output. 这是输出。

Enter the numbers now.
Max: 5
Min: 0
Max: 5
Min: 0
Max: 7
Min: 0
Max: 7
Min: 0
Max: 90
Min: 0
Max: 90
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 3
These are the numbers you have entered.
5 3 7 3 90 43 100 45 23 22

Also when you are declaring an array, it has all 0s initially. 同样,当您声明一个数组时,它最初都是0。

import java.util.*;
class Maxmin
    public static void main(String args[])
        int[] arr = new int[10];
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int i, min=0, max=0;
        for(i=0; i<=arr.length; i++)
            System.out.print("Enter any number: ");
            arr[i] = in.nextInt();          
        min = arr[0];
        for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
            if(arr[i] > max)
                max = arr[i];
            if(arr[i] < min)
                min = arr[i];
        System.out.println("Maximum is: " + max);
        System.out.println("Minimum is: " + min);

//To Find Max and Min value in an array without sorting in java //在数组中查找Max和Min值而不在java中进行排序

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
public class MaxMin_WoutSort {
 public static void main(String args[])
      int n,max=Integer.MIN_VALUE,min=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      System.out.println("Enter the number of elements: ");
      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

      int[] arr = new int[sc.nextInt()]; //U can't say static or dynamic.
                                         //UnWrapping object sc to int value;sc.nextInt()
      System.out.println("Enter the elements: ");
      for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)      //Loop for entering values in array
          int next = sc.nextInt();
          arr[i] = next;
      for(int j=0;j<arr.length;j++)
          if(arr[j]>max)               //Maximum Condition
            max = arr[j];
          else if(arr[j]<min)         //Minimum Condition
              min = arr[j];
     System.out.println("Highest Value in array: " +max);
     System.out.println("Smallest Value in array: "+min);


I have updated your same code please compare code with your's original code : 我已更新相同的代码,请将代码与您的原始代码进行比较:

public class Help {

public static void main(String args[]){
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

    int array[] = new int[10];

    System.out.println("Enter the numbers now.");

    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        int next = input.nextInt();
        // sentineil that will stop loop when 999 is entered
        if (next == 999) {
        array[i] = next;

    System.out.println("These are the numbers you have entered.");

    // get biggest number
    System.out.println("Maximum: "+getMaxValue(array));
    // get smallest number
    System.out.println("Minimum: "+getMinValue(array));

// getting the maximum value
public static int getMaxValue(int[] array) {
    int maxValue = array[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
        if (array[i] > maxValue) {
            maxValue = array[i];
    return maxValue;

// getting the miniumum value
public static int getMinValue(int[] array) {
    int minValue = array[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
        if (array[i] < minValue) {
            minValue = array[i];
    return minValue;

//this method prints the elements in an array......
//if this case is true, then that's enough to prove to you that the user input has  //been stored in an array!!!!!!!
public static void printArray(int arr[]) {
    int n = arr.length;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");

Sum, Maximum and Minimum value of an Array in One Line 一行中数组的总和,最大值和最小值

 public static void getMinMaxByArraysMethods(int[] givenArray){

       //Sum of Array in One Line 
       long sumofArray =  Arrays.stream(givenArray).sum();

       //get Minimum Value in an array in One Line
        int minimumValue = Arrays.stream(givenArray).min().getAsInt();

        //Get Maximum Value of an Array in One Line
        int MaxmumValue =  Arrays.stream(givenArray).max().getAsInt();


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