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[英]Match exact string using string.Contains() method in c#

I have an html content. 我有一个html内容。 I'm parsing the content using HtmlAgilityPack. 我正在使用HtmlAgilityPack解析内容。 I Need to replace attribute 我需要替换属性
' align = "middle" ' with ' align = "center" ', I'm using function ' align =“ middle” '与' align =“ center” ',我正在使用函数

if(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHttml.Contains("align = "middle""))
htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHttml.Replace("align = "middle","align = "center"")

But if condition is returning true even for **valign = "middle"** ! 但是,即使条件对于**valign = "middle"**返回true!

What is that i need to put in if condition other than Contains() ? 如果条件不是Contains() ,我需要输入什么?

yes I'm trying to find match inside an html content. 是的,我正在尝试在html内容中找到匹配项。

Then use HtmlAgilityPack . 然后使用HtmlAgilityPack Your code would be something like. 您的代码将是类似的。

var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

var tds = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[@align='middle']");

or something like this using LINQ 或类似的使用LINQ

var tds = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("td")
                .Where(td => td.Attributes["align"].Value == "middle")

It not that clear what you are trying to achieve. 尚不清楚您要实现的目标。 String.Contains checks if a given string is contained in another (probably larger) string, so if it is a substring. String.Contains检查给定字符串是否包含在另一个(可能更大)的字符串中,是否为子字符串。

Maybe you want to know if they are same, then use Equals or == : 也许您想知道它们是否相同,然后使用Equals==

bool same = string1 == string2;

or you want to know if it starts with a given string, then use StartsWith : 或者您想知道它是否以给定的字符串开头,然后使用StartsWith

bool startsWith = string1.StartsWith(string2);

or you want to ignore the case (.NET is case sensitive): 或者您想忽略大小写(.NET区分大小写):

bool equalsIgnoreCase = string1.Equals(string2, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

the same with StartsWith : StartsWith相同:

bool startsWithIgnoreCase = string1.StartsWith(string2, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

finally the case-insensitive contains equivalent using IndexOf : 最后,不区分大小写的内容包含使用IndexOf等效项:

bool containsIgnoreCase = string1.IndexOf(string2, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;

if your string is like "blablabla align = 'align = \\"middle\\" blablabla" then you can do: 如果您的字符串类似于“ blablabla align ='align = \\“ middle \\” blablabla”,则可以执行以下操作:

Contains(" align = \"middle\" ") // spaces before and after

But how others says it's hard to understand what you want exactly. 但是其他人怎么说很难理解您到底想要什么。

You could try something like: 您可以尝试类似:

string str = "valign = \"middle\"";
string search = "align = \"middle\"";

int ix;

while ((ix = str.IndexOf(search, ix)) != -1)
    if (ix == 0 || !char.IsLetterOrDigit(str[ix - 1]))


bool success = ix != -1;

This will work even for valign = "middle";align = "middle" 这甚至适用于valign = "middle";align = "middle"

It checks if the letter that precede the beginning of the match is a non- IsLetterOrDigit (if present). 它检查比赛开始之前的字母是否为非IsLetterOrDigit (如果存在)。 If yes, it break s, otherwise it return searching for a match from the next character. 如果是,则break s,否则返回从下一个字符开始搜索匹配项。

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