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WPF Datagrid-如何在一行中进行更改会影响其他行

[英]WPF Datagrid - How to make a change in one row affect other rows

I have a WPF datagrid that is bound to a collection of Item objects. 我有一个WPF数据网格,它绑定到Item对象的集合。 The datagrid has a checkbox column. 该数据网格具有一个复选框列。 I would like to implement it so that when the checkbox is checked/unchecked from any row, all other rows are checked/unchecked. 我想实现它,以便当从任何行中选中/取消选中该复选框时,所有其他行都处于选中/未选中状态。 Is there a good MVVM way to do this? 有没有很好的MVVM方法可以做到这一点?


<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
        <DataGridCheckBoxColumn Binding="{Binding MyProperty}" />

C# C#

public class DataGridViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Item> Items { get; set; }

public class Item
    public bool MyProperty { get; set; } // Set all Item.MyProperties when any are set

Based on a Previous Answer : 根据先前的答案

Use this as your data items: 将此用作您的数据项:

public class Selectable<T>: ViewModelBase //ViewModelBase should Implement NotifyPropertyChanged.
    private T _model;
    public T Model 
    {   get { return _model; }
            _model = value;

    private bool _isSelected;
    public bool IsSelected
        get { return _isSelected; }
            _isSelected = value;

            if (OnIsSelectedChanged != null)

    public Action<Selectable<T>> OnIsSelectedChanged;

Then change your ViewModel to look like so: 然后将您的ViewModel更改为如下所示:

public class DataGridViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Selectable<Item>> Items { get; set; }

    public void SomeMethod()
       Items = new ObservableCollection<Selectable<Item>>();

       //Populate the Collection here!

       foreach (var item in Items)
           item.OnIsSelectedChanged = OnItemSelectedChanged;

    private void OnItemSelectedChanged(Selectable<Item> item)
       if (item.IsSelected)
           var itemsToDeselect = Items.Where(x => x != item);

           foreach (var itemToDeselect in itemsToDeselect)
               itemToDeselect.IsSelected = false;

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