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[英]How to create tabindex groups?

I'm trying to make tabindex groups where pressing tab in a group it allways rotates in that group until the other group is focused via javascript or manually. 我正在尝试制作tabindex组,其中按下组中的tab总是在该组中旋转,直到另一组通过javascript或手动聚焦。

Question: Is it possible to do this without JavaScript, if not how can I achieve this? 问题:是否可以在没有JavaScript的情况下执行此操作,如果不能,我该如何实现?

Here is jsFiddle 这是jsFiddle

HTML code : HTML代码

    <input tabindex="1"/>
    <input tabindex="2"/>

    <input tabindex="1"/>
    <input tabindex="2"/>

EDIT: I would prefer iframe to be last resort to solve this, it would be very hard to implement iframe at this stage of development in my application. 编辑:我更喜欢iframe是最后的解决方案,在我的应用程序的这个开发阶段实现iframe非常困难。

This is what I came up 这就是我的想法

This is pretty messy code, but this is what I came up. 这是非常混乱的代码,但这就是我提出的。 Adding data-tabgroup and data-tabgroupindex to input elements will correctly tab them without going out of the group. data-tabgroupdata-tabgroupindexinput元素将正确地标记它们而不会离开组。

As steveax pointed out in this comment this is not suggested for users without keyboards or in any regular HTML form situation where this isn't really necessary. 正如史蒂威克斯本评论中指出的那样,对于没有键盘的用户或任何不需要的常规HTML形式的情况,不建议这样做。

Example in jsFiddle jsFiddle中的示例
Used libraries : 二手图书馆

  • lodash.js lodash.js
  • jquery 1.8.3 jquery 1.8.3

HTML Code: HTML代码:

    <input data-tabgroup="first" data-tabgroupindex="1" />
    <input data-tabgroup="first" data-tabgroupindex="2" />
    <input data-tabgroup="first" data-tabgroupindex="3" />
    <input data-tabgroup="first" data-tabgroupindex="4" />
    <input data-tabgroup="second" data-tabgroupindex="1" />
    <input data-tabgroup="second" data-tabgroupindex="3" />
    <input data-tabgroup="second" data-tabgroupindex="2" />
    <input data-tabgroup="second" data-tabgroupindex="4" />

JavaScript code: JavaScript代码:

function isNumber(n) {
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
$(document).on('keydown', '[data-tabgroup]', function (e) {
    // TODO
    // Get elements tabgroup [DONE]
    // Find element position by tabgroupindex
    // Check if pressed shift+tab or tab
    // Check if it's first or the last element
    // Check which is next element to focus
    // Focus appropriate element

    if (e.which === 9) {

        var indexNode = $(e.target);
        var nodeIndex = indexNode.data("tabgroupindex");
        var tabgroup = indexNode.data("tabgroup");
        var tabgroupNodes = $("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "']");
        var tabgroupIndexes = [];
        _.each(tabgroupNodes, function (item) {
        tabgroupIndexes = _(tabgroupIndexes).compact()
            .sortBy(function (num) {
            return num;
        if (isNumber(nodeIndex)) {
            if (e.which === 9) if (e.shiftKey) {
                var nextElement = tabgroupIndexes[tabgroupIndexes.indexOf(nodeIndex) - 1];
                if (typeof(nextElement) === "undefined") {
                    $("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + tabgroupIndexes[tabgroupIndexes.length - 1] + "']").focus();
                    console.log($("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + tabgroupIndexes[tabgroupIndexes.length - 1] + "']").get(0));
                } else {
                    $("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + nextElement + "']").focus();
            } else {

                var nextElement = tabgroupIndexes[tabgroupIndexes.indexOf(nodeIndex) + 1];

                if (typeof(nextElement) === "undefined") {
                    console.log("Im in ")
                    $("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + tabgroupIndexes[0] + "']").focus();
                    console.log($("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + tabgroupIndexes[0] + "']").get(0))
                } else {
                    $("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + nextElement + "']").focus();

        } else {
                $("[data-tabgroup='" + tabgroup + "'][data-tabgroupindex='" + tabgroupIndexes[0] + "']").focus();


JQuery UI has a the :tababble selector which could help you out here. JQuery UI有一个:tababble选择器可以帮助你在这里。

  1. Select all the last tab selectable elements of a group. 选择组的所有最后一个选项卡可选元素。
  2. Capture the tab input. 捕获选项卡输入。
  3. Manually select the first tab selectable sibling. 手动选择第一个选项卡可选择的兄弟。
  4. (Likewise for Shift + tab on first tab selectable element.) (同样,对于第一个选项卡上的Shift +选项卡,可选元素。)

JSFiddle 的jsfiddle

JavaScript JavaScript的

    // Listen for TAB on last child.
    $('fieldset :tabbable:last-child').on('keydown', function(e) {
        if (e.which == 9) {

    // Listen for SHIFT + TAB on first child.
    $('fieldset :tabbable:first-child').on('keydown', function(e) {
        if (e.shiftKey && e.which == 9) {

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