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AngularJS / Rails Paperclip文件上传

[英]AngularJS/Rails Paperclip file upload

I trying to implement a file upload with AngularJS/Rails using the Paperclip gem. 我尝试使用Paperclip gem实现使用AngularJS / Rails的文件上传。 I fix the file input problem with a directive. 我用指令修复了文件输入问题。 Now i want to send the image with the other data of the post but the image datas are not send. 现在我想发送带有帖子的其他数据的图像,但不发送图像数据。


<form name="PostForm" ng-submit="submit()" novalidate>
  <input type="text" ng-model="post.title">
  <input type="file" file-upload />
  <textarea ng-model="post.content"></textarea>

My controller : 我的控制器:

$scope.create = function() {

    function success(response) {
        console.log("Success", response)

    function failure(response) {
        console.log("Failure", response);

    if ($routeParams.id)
        Post.update($scope.post, success, failure);
        Post.create($scope.post, success, failure);

$scope.$on("fileSelected", function (event, args) {
    $scope.$apply(function () {
        $scope.post.image = args.file;

My model : 我的模特:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :content, :title, :image_file_name, :image_content_type, :image_file_size, :image_updated_at

  belongs_to :user
  has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png"

But when i send it to the server side, the request is like that : 但是当我将它发送到服务器端时,请求是这样的:


So, no data conserning the image are send to the server, any tips on how to do that ? 因此,没有任何数据保存到服务器,任何提示如何做到这一点?

I progress now, i succeed to send file data via form-data content-type, the problem is now in the rails controller, an error is launched : 我现在进步,我成功通过表单数据内容类型发送文件数据,问题现在在rails控制器中,启动错误:

undefined method `stingify_keys`

Here is the code i use to send the data : 这是我用来发送数据的代码:

        method: 'POST',
        url: url,
        headers: { 'Content-Type': false },
        transformRequest: function (data) {
            var formData = new FormData();
            formData.append("post", angular.toJson(data.post));
            formData.append("image", data.image);
            return (formData);
        data: { post: $scope.post, image: $scope.image}
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {

And that's the data which are send to rails : 那就是发送给rails的数据:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post" {"title":"sdsdsd","content":"sdsd"}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="dad.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpeg [image-data]

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