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Twitter Bootstrap Modal - 灰色背景但没有窗口

[英]Twitter Bootstrap Modal - Grey background but no window

I'm having a bit of an odd problem with Twitter Bootstrap and the non-JS examples of modal, what happens is that the modal background appears (greys) but the window does not. 我在Twitter Bootstrap和模态的非JS示例中遇到了一个奇怪的问题,所发生的是模态背景出现(灰色)但窗口没有。

I've found if I remove the "hide" class from the modal windows div, it will load but not correctly. 我发现如果我从模态窗口div中删除“隐藏”类,它将加载但不正确。

The Fiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/2VbUG/1/ 小提琴在这里: http//jsfiddle.net/2VbUG/1/

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The code has come from this tutorial on Bootstraps website http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#modals 代码来自Bootstraps网站http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#modals上的本教程

You're referencing the Bootstrap version 3 css but using the version 2 example code. 您正在引用Bootstrap版本3 css但使用版本2示例代码。

Try using the version 3 example code. 尝试使用版本3示例代码。

I had a similar issue and was able to resolve it by moving the modal to the top of the page. 我有一个类似的问题,并能够通过将模式移动到页面顶部来解决它。 After doing that both the background and the modal window appeared. 这样做后,背景和模态窗口都出现了。 Took me about 4 hours of research to figure it out so I hope this helps someone else! 我花了大约4个小时的时间研究出来,所以我希望这有助于其他人!

The issue is that you are loading bootstrap 3 but looking at documentation of version 2.3.2. 问题是您正在加载bootstrap 3,但查看版本2.3.2的文档。 Checkout the demo ( snippet and result ) that I have made, it works just fine if you load the current version. 查看我制作的演示( 片段结果 ),如果加载当前版本,它可以正常工作。

I think you're using the Bootstrap 3.0 JavaScript and CSS resources but using Bootstrap 2.3.2 HTML. 我认为您使用的是Bootstrap 3.0 JavaScript和CSS资源,但使用的是Bootstrap 2.3.2 HTML。 I updated your fiddle with Bootstrap 3.0 HTML markup: http://jsfiddle.net/UWv9q/1/ 我用Bootstrap 3.0 HTML标记更新了你的小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/UWv9q/1/

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All the above answers just led me down false ends. 以上所有答案都让我误入歧途。

My issue was just like the OP stated except that my problem was my sloppy CSS was hiding/moving the modal off screen. 我的问题就像OP所说的那样,除了我的问题是我的草率CSS隐藏/移动模式关闭屏幕。

I clicked the node in the element viewer and turned off all the CSS rules and it appeared in the middle of the screen as expected. 我点击了元素查看器中的节点并关闭了所有CSS规则,它按预期显示在屏幕中间。

I've had the same issue, setting the z-index of the modal window to the highest on the page fixed it. 我遇到了同样的问题,将模态窗口的z-index设置为固定它的页面上的最高值。

    z-index: 10;//or higher, depends on z-index of other elements on your page

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