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[英]JavaScript Render Logic : Horizontal Dynamic Booking Calendar

I have a year calendar generated in Javascript which renders each month as a row, horizontally as a group of tables. 我有一个用Javascript生成的年日历,该日历将每个月连续,水平地作为一组表呈现。 Dynamically setting the first month based on getting current serverTime. 根据获取当前的serverTime动态设置第一个月。 Each table is a month. 每个表是一个月。 The tables are: 这些表是:

<table id="m1"></table>
<table id="m2"></table>
<table id="m3"></table>
<table id="m4"></table>
<table id="m5"></table>
<table id="m6"></table>
<table id="m7"></table>
<table id="m8"></table>
<table id="m9"></table>
<table id="m10"></table>
<table id="m11"></table>
<table id="m12"></table>
<table id="m13"></table>
<table id="m14"></table>

and after DOM injection each month id is populated. 并且在注入DOM之后,每个月都会填充ID。 Example for October '13 = '13年10月的示例=

<table id="m2">
<tbody><tr><td>Oct 13</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_1_13">1</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_2_13">2</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_3_13">3</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_4_13">4</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_5_13">5</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_6_13">6</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_7_13">7</td>
<td class="avail" id="10_8_13">8</td><td class="avail" id="10_9_13">9</td><td class="avail" id="10_10_13">10</td><td class="avail" id="10_11_13">11</td><td class="avail" id="10_12_13">12</td><td class="avail" id="10_13_13">13</td><td class="avail" id="10_14_13">14</td><td class="avail" id="10_15_13">15</td><td class="avail" id="10_16_13">16</td><td class="avail" id="10_17_13">17</td><td class="avail" id="10_18_13">18</td><td class="avail" id="10_19_13">19</td><td class="avail" id="10_20_13">20</td><td class="avail" id="10_21_13">21</td><td class="avail" id="10_22_13">22</td><td class="avail" id="10_23_13">23</td><td class="avail" id="10_24_13">24</td><td class="avail" id="10_25_13">25</td><td class="avail" id="10_26_13">26</td><td class="avail" id="10_27_13">27</td><td class="avail" id="10_28_13">28</td><td class="avail" id="10_29_13">29</td><td class="avail" id="10_30_13">30</td><td class="avail" id="10_31_13">31</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>

I have a javascript function " showBookingData(data) " which receives two dates from the server (startDate + endDate) for a booking which I pass to a render function " highlightBookTableMonthsChange(start, end) " to show a colored booked period on the calendar matching the start and end dates. 我有一个JavaScript函数“ showBookingData(data) ”,该函数从服务器接收两个日期(startDate + endDate)进行预订,然后将其传递给渲染函数“ highlightBookTableMonthsChange(start,end) ”,以在日历上显示彩色的预定期。与开始日期和结束日期匹配。

This render function calculates the difference in dates so that it can AddClass to each of the days of the booking to show a blocked out period, and highlights the relevant table. 此渲染函数计算日期差异,以便可以在预订的每一天中添加Class,以显示阻塞的时间段,并突出显示相关表。

The render function receives the dates in the following JSON = render函数在以下JSON =中接收日期


The Problem: 问题:

My Render function 'highlightBookTableMonthsChange(start, end)' receives the dates correctly but seems to calculate from this point onwards different output dates varying from the early 1900's through to early 2100's for bookings in the next six months - depending on the time format of the client computer !!! 我的Render函数'highlightBookTableMonthsChange(start,end)'正确接收了日期,但似乎从这一点开始计算了不同的输出日期,从1900年代到2100年代,这取决于接下来六个月的预订-具体取决于客户端计算机!!! So I need to tie down a format somewhere to avoid what I believe is some sort of assumed date calculations going on within the code at client side. 因此,我需要在某处绑定一种格式,以避免在客户端代码中进行某种假定的日期计算。

Javascript Functions: JavaScript函数:

function showBookingData(data) {
    var len = data.d.length;
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        var sptype = data.d[i].__type;
        var startDate = data.d[i].dataValueField;
        var endDate = data.d[i].dataValueField2;
//        alert("{'startdate':" + startDate + ",'enddate':'" + endDate + "'}")
        highlightBookTableMonthsChange(startDate, endDate)

function highlightBookTableMonthsChange(start, end) {

    var start = new Date(start);
    var end = new Date(end);
    alert("{'startdate':" + start + ",'enddate':'" + end + "'}")
    var i = 1;
    $("#datesd").html($("#datesd").html()+'<br/>'+start + "" + end);
    var timeDiff = Math.abs(end.getTime() - start.getTime());
    var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
    while (start <= end) {
        var startMonth = start.getMonth() + 1;
        var startDate = start.getDate();
        var year = start.getFullYear();
        if (i == 1) {
            var prevClass = $("#" + parseInt(startMonth) + "_" + startDate + "_" + year).attr("class");
            if (prevClass == "lastBook" || prevClass == "fullBook")
            { $("#" + parseInt(startMonth) + "_" + startDate + "_" + year).attr("class", "fullBook"); }
                $("#" + parseInt(startMonth) + "_" + startDate + "_" + year).attr("class", "firstBook");
        else if (i == diffDays) {
            $("#" + parseInt(startMonth) + "_" + startDate + "_" + year).attr("class", "lastBook");
        else {
            $("#" + parseInt(startMonth) + "_" + startDate + "_" + year).attr("class", "fullBook");
        var newDate = start.setDate(start.getDate() + 1);
        start = new Date(newDate);

function createYearCalander() {
    var i = 1;
    var startDates = new Date(calanderStartDate);
    var startMonth = startDates.getMonth();
    var startYear = startDates.getFullYear();
    if (country = "US") {
        startDatee = startMonth + "/1/" + startYear;
    else {
        startDatee = "1/" + startMonth + "/" + startYear;
    for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {  //Number of Months on Grid
        createMonthTable(i, startMonth, startYear);
        if (startMonth == 12) {
            startMonth = 1;

    gerData(1); //Get Booking Date Data From Server

function createMonthTable(monthCount,mth,year) {
    var table1 = document.getElementById('m' + monthCount);
    var tblRow = tblRow = table1.insertRow(0);
    var tblCell = null;
    var dayys = countDaysOfMonth(mth, year);
    var startDates = new Date(mth + "/1/" + year)
    var firstDayOfMth = startDates.getDay();  //first day of month
    var dataStarts = firstDayOfMth;
    var dataEnds = firstDayOfMth + dayys;
    var i = 0;
    var tempDayStart = 1;
    for (i = 0; i <= 37; i++) {
        tblCell = tblRow.insertCell(i);
        if (i == 0) {
            tblCell.innerHTML = monthName(mth) + "," + year;
        else if (i > dataStarts && i <= dataEnds) {
             $(tblCell).attr("class", "avail")
             tblCell.id = mth + "_" + tempDayStart + "_" + year;
            tblCell.innerHTML = tempDayStart;
            tempDayStart = tempDayStart + 1;

    if (monthCount == 12) {  //Months displayed on table grid
        endDatee = mth + "/" + dayys + "/" + year;

function countDaysOfMonth(m,y)
    return (/8|3|5|10/.test(--m) ? 30 : m == 1 ? (!(y % 4) && y % 100) || !(y % 400) ? 29 : 28 : 31);

function monthName(month)
    if (month == 1) 
        return 'Jan'
    else if (month == 2)
        return 'Fab'
    else if (month == 3)
        return 'Mar'
    else if (month == 4)
        return 'Apr'
    else if (month == 5)
        return 'May'
    else if (month == 6)
        return 'Jun'
    else if (month == 7)
        return 'Jul'
    else if (month == 8)
        return 'Aug'
    else if (month == 9)
        return 'Sep'
    else if (month == 10)
        return 'Oct'
    else if (month == 11)
        return 'Nov'
    else if (month == 12)
        return 'Dec'
function getServerTime() {
        type: "POST",
        //data: "{'propId':" + programId + "}",
        url: "svcs/booking.asmx/getServerDate",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {
            calanderStartDate = data.d;
        error: OnError

function gerData(programId) {
    Zzp = ($.super_cookie().read_value("propRz1", "zc"));
        type: "POST",
        data: "{'cp':" + Zzp + ",'fDate':'" + startDatee + "','tDate':'" + endDatee + "'}",
        url: "svcs/booking.asmx/getPropertyBookings",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {
        error: OnError

I realize this isn't answering your question, but any reason you're rolling your own calendar functionality when there are a ton out there already that you could re-use? 我知道这并不能回答您的问题,但是由于已经有大量可以重用的原因,您是在滚动自己的日历功能的任何原因吗? Date/times can get tricky. 日期/时间可能会比较棘手。

If you have to roll your own, check out http://momentjs.com/ . 如果您必须自己动手,请访问http://momentjs.com/ It will allow you to do things like get the # of days between two dates, and you can also add a day to any date. 它将允许您执行诸如获取两个日期之间的天数之类的操作,并且还可以为任何日期添加一天。

So you can do something like (pseudocode without looking at library): 因此,您可以执行类似操作(无需查看库即可使用伪代码):

newDate = startDate;
While ((newDate = newDate.addDay(1)) < endDate) {
    // highlight on calendar

I found the answer to this via further testing: 我通过进一步测试找到了答案:

I want to display the short format year in the left hand date column to keep the width down, but by using short date format, some client systems calculate the dates using 19** and the short format year. 我想在左侧日期列中显示格式年份以减小宽度,但是某些客户端系统通过使用短日期格式来使用19 **和短格式年份来计算日期。

So I changed the output JSON stream from the server to the date format (MM/dd/yyyyy) to force full year. 因此,我将服务器的输出JSON流更改为日期格式(MM / dd / yyyyy)以强制使用整年。 This also automatically changes the date ID in the tables from "10_1_13" format for example to "10_1_2013" as the Oct 1st 2013 and accurately processes the bookings on the table. 这还将自动将表格中的日期ID从“ 10_1_13”格式更改为例如“ 2013年10月1日为” 10_1_2013”​​,并准确处理表格上的预订。 But also presents a full year in the first month column. 而且在第一个月栏中还会显示一整年。 So to correct this I trimmed the date format within the function createMonthTable(monthCount, mth, year) . 因此,要纠正此问题,我在函数createMonthTable(monthCount,mth,year)中修剪了日期格式。 So the new function looks like this: 因此,新功能如下所示:

function createMonthTable(monthCount, mth, year) {
    var startYearShort = (year + '').substring(2, 4); //convert 2digit yy
    var table1 = document.getElementById('m' + monthCount);
    var tblRow = tblRow = table1.insertRow(0);
    var tblCell = null;
    var dayys = countDaysOfMonth(mth, year);
    var startDates = new Date(mth + "/1/" + year)
    var firstDayOfMth = startDates.getDay();  //first day of month
    var dataStarts = firstDayOfMth;
    var dataEnds = firstDayOfMth + dayys;
    var i = 0;
    var tempDayStart = 1;
    for (i = 0; i <= 37; i++) {
        tblCell = tblRow.insertCell(i);
        if (i == 0) {
            tblCell.innerHTML = monthName(mth) + " " + startYearShort;
        else if (i > dataStarts && i <= dataEnds) {
            $(tblCell).attr("class", "avail")
            tblCell.id = mth + "_" + tempDayStart + "_" + year;
            tblCell.innerHTML = tempDayStart;
            tempDayStart = tempDayStart + 1;

    if (monthCount == 14) { //depends on table rows for #months
        endDatee = mth + "/" + dayys + "/" + year; 
    //I Send startDatee & endDatee values as an AJAX GET to the server so that I get
    //returned a date array matching the calendar months grid only.

This now works perfectly ! 现在,它可以完美运行! See the output 查看输出

For anybody looking for a client side flexible dynamic month horizontal calendar, which receives booking periods via JSON. 对于任何需要客户端灵活的动态月份水平日历的人,它都可以通过JSON接收预订期。 This is a fast model easily styled using a little CSS. 这是一个快速的模型,使用一些CSS即可轻松设置样式。 If anybody wants a css file too - then message me and I shall send one. 如果有人也想要一个css文件-请给我发消息,我将发送一个。


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