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可以将SQL 2012配置为不要求默认端口1433吗?

[英]Can SQL 2012 be configured to NOT require default port 1433?

Is it possible to configure SQL Server 2012 to NOT require port 1433 in connection strings? 是否可以将SQL Server 2012配置为在连接字符串中不要求端口1433?

It seems that using the default instance of SQL Server 2012 requires clients to specify port 1433 in order to connect but this is causing issues when installing SharePoint. 似乎使用SQL Server 2012的默认实例要求客户端指定端口1433才能进行连接,但这在安装SharePoint时会引起问题。 I would like to configure SQL Server to NOT require the port. 我想将SQL Server配置为不需要该端口。 Can this be done? 能做到吗?

Looks it is possible to configure port of SQL Server as many ways at Microsoft's website . 看起来可以在Microsoft网站上以多种方式配置SQL Server的端口。

Or directly from SQL Server documentation 或直接从SQL Server文档中

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