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[英]Regex to replace all occurrences of single character within specific tokens

I would like to know if a single set of regex search/replace patterns could be used to replace all occurrences of a specific character inside a string contained within 2 tokens. 我想知道是否可以使用一组正则表达式搜索/替换模式来替换2个标记中包含的字符串内特定字符的所有出现。

For example, is it possible to replace all periods with spaces for the text between TOKEN1 & TOKEN2 as in the example below? 例如,是否可以用以下示例中的TOKEN1和TOKEN2之间的文本替换所有句点?

So that: 以便:


is changed to: 更改为:

TOKEN1:Run Spot run:TOKEN2

NOTE: The regular expression would need to be capable of replacing any number of periods within any text, and not just the specific pattern above. 注意:正则表达式将需要能够替换任何文本中的任意数量的句点,而不仅仅是上面的特定模式。

I ask this question more for my personal knowledge, as it is something I have wanted to do quite a few times in the past with various regex implementations. 我问这个问题的原因是我个人的知识,因为过去我想使用各种正则表达式实现多次。 In this particular case, however, the regex would be in php. 但是,在这种特殊情况下,正则表达式将在php中。

I am not interested in php workarounds as I know how to do that. 我对php解决方法不感兴趣,因为我知道该怎么做。 I am trying to expand my knowledge of regex. 我正在尝试扩展我对正则表达式的了解。

Thanks 谢谢

A way to do this: 一种方法是:

$pattern = '~(?:TOKEN1:|\G(?<!^))(?:[^:.]+|:(?!TOKEN2))*\K\.~';
$replacement = ' ';
$subject = 'TOKEN1:Run.Spot.run:TOKEN2';
$result = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject);

pattern details: 图案细节:

~                  # pattern delimiter
(?:                # open a non capturing group
    TOKEN1:        # TOKEN1:
  |                # OR
    \G(?<!^)       # a contiguous match but not at the start of the string
)                  # close the non capturing group
(?:                # open a non capturing group
    [^:.]+         # all that is not the first character of :TOKEN2 or the searched character
  |                # OR
    :(?!TOKEN2)    # The first character of :TOKEN2 not followed by the other characters
)*                 # repeat the non capturing group zero or more times
\K                 # reset the match
\.                 # the searched character
~                  # delimiter

The idea is to use \\G to force each match to be TOKEN1: or a match contiguous with the precedent match. 想法是使用\\G强制将每个匹配项设为TOKEN1:或与先前匹配项相邻的匹配项。

Notice: the default behavior is like an html tag (it is always open until it is closed). 注意:默认行为类似于html标记(它始终处于打开状态直到关闭)。 If :TOKEN2 is not found all the \\. 如果:TOKEN2找不到所有\\. characters will be replaced after TOKEN1: . 字符将在TOKEN1:之后TOKEN1:

I think the best way is to write something like this: 我认为最好的方法是写这样的东西:

$result =
        function ($matches) {
            return $matches[0]
                   . preg_replace('/[.]/g', ' ', $matches[1])
                   . $matches[2];

(Disclaimer: not tested.) (免责声明:未经测试。)

At it's simplest, you would need an escaped ( \\ ) period (since period usually matches any character) as your pattern : \\. 最简单的说,您需要一个转义( \\ )期间(因为期间通常匹配任何字符)作为您的模式: \\. , and you would replace it with a space: ,您可以将其替换为空格: .

This will replace all instances of . 这将替换的所有实例. with .

However, from your comment, you appear to be asking for a regex to replace all periods between word characters: 但是,从您的评论看来,您似乎要求使用正则表达式来替换单词字符之间的所有句点:


You would need a positive (zero-width noncapturing) lookbehind for a word character: (?<=\\w) , your escaped period ( \\. ) and a positive (zero-width noncapturing) lookahead for a word character: (?=\\w) . 对于单词字符(?<=\\w) ,您需要后面有正号(零宽度,不捕捉),对于单词字符,您需要转义的句点( \\. )和正值(零宽度,不捕捉): (?=\\w) Replacing this with a space would have the result you want. 用空格代替它会得到您想要的结果。

If you want to replace periods only between tokens, you could prepend a positive lookbehind: (?<=TOKEN1:.+) and append a positive lookahead: (?=.+TOKEN2), so the complete regex would be: 如果您只想替换令牌之间的句点,则可以在正则(?<=TOKEN1:.+)加一个(?<=TOKEN1:.+)并追加一个正向前缀:(?=。+ TOKEN2),这样完整的正则表达式将是:


You may need to refine this if a period can occur immediately after the opening token and/or immediately before the closing token and you don't want to replace them. 如果在打开令牌之后立即和/或在关闭令牌之前可能会出现一个句点并且您不想替换它们,则可能需要优化此时间。

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