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[英]Regex to find <a> tags containing links to specific file types

I am trying to write a small jQuery / javascript function that searches through all the links on a page, identifies the type of file to which the tag links, and then adds an appropriate class. 我正在尝试编写一个小的jQuery / javascript函数,该函数搜索页面上的所有链接,识别标记链接到的文件的类型,然后添加适当的类。 The purpose of this task is to style the links depending on the type of file at the other end of the link. 此任务的目的是根据链接另一端的文件类型来设置链接的样式。

So far I have this: 到目前为止,我有这个:

    $('#rt-mainbody a').each(function(){
        linkURL = $(this).attr('href');
        var match = linkURL.match("^.*\.(pdf|PDF)$");
        if(match != null){$(this).addClass('pdf');}

Fiddle me this. 摆弄我这个。

And then I would continue the concept to identify, for example, spreadsheet files, Word documents, text files, jpgs, etc. 然后,我将继续这个概念来识别例如电子表格文件,Word文档,文本文件,jpg等。

it works... but the thing is, to me this is super clunky because I have completely botched it together from odds and sods I've found around SO and the internet - I'm sure there must be a neater, more efficient, more readable way of doing this but I have no idea what it might be. 它的确有效...但问题是,对于我来说,这太笨拙了,因为我将自己在SO和互联网周围发现的零星杂物完全捣碎了-我确信必须有一种更整洁,更高效,这样做更易读,但我不知道它可能是什么。 Can someone give it a spit and polish for me, please? 有人可以帮我吐口水吗?

Ideally the function should detect (a) that the extension is at the end of the href string, and (b) that the extension is preceded by a dot. 理想情况下,该函数应检测(a)扩展名在href字符串的末尾,以及(b)扩展名前加一个点。

Thanks! 谢谢! :) :)


Wow! 哇! Such a response! 这样的回应! :) Thanks guys! :) 多谢你们!

When I saw the method using simply the selector it was a bit of a facepalm moment - however the end user I am building this app for is linking to PDFs (and potentially other MIMEs) on a multitude of resource websites and has no control over the case usage of the filenames to which they'll be linking... using the selector is clearly not the way to go because the result would be so inconsistent. 当我看到仅使用选择器的方法时,就有点烦人了-但是,我要为其构建此应用程序的最终用户正在链接到众多资源网站上的PDF(以及其他MIME),并且无法控制它们要链接到的文件名的大小写使用情况...使用选择器显然不是可行的选择,因为结果将是如此不一致。


And the grand prize goes to @Dave Stein!! 而大奖得主是@Dave Stein! :D :d

The solution I will adopt is a "set it and leave it" script ( fiddle me that ) which will accommodate any extension, regardless of case, and all I need to do is tweak the CSS for each reasonable eventuality. 我将采用的解决方案是“设置并保留它”脚本( 让我烦恼 ),无论大小写如何,它都可以容纳任何扩展名,而我需要做的就是针对每种合理的可能情况调整CSS。

It's actually nice to learn that I was already fairly close to the best solution already... more through good luck than good judgement though XD 得知我已经非常接近最佳解决方案,这真是一件很高兴的事情……更多的是幸运,而不是通过XD的明智判断。

Well you don't want to use regex to search strings so I like that you narrowed it to just links. 好吧,您不想使用regex来搜索字符串,所以我希望您将其范围缩小到仅链接。 I saved off $(this) so you don't have to double call it. 我节省了$(this)所以您不必重复调用它。 I also changed the regex so it's case insensitive. 我还更改了regex因此不区分大小写。 And lastly I made sure that the class is adding what the match was. 最后,我确保班级正在添加匹配项。 This accomplish what you want? 这样完成您想要的吗?

    $('#rt-mainbody a').each(function(){
        var $link = $(this),
            linkURL = $link.attr('href'),
            // I can't remember offhand but I think some extensions have numbers too
            match = linkURL.match( /^.*\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i );

        if( match != null ){
          $link.addClass( match[1].toLowerCase() );

Oh and I almost forgot, I made sure linkURL was no longer global. 哦,我几乎忘记了,我确保linkURL不再是全局的。 :) :)

"Attribute ends with" selector : “属性以”结尾选择器

$('#rt-mainbody a[href$=".pdf"], #rt-mainbody a[href$=".PDF"]').addClass('pdf')

EDIT: Or more generally and flexibly: 编辑:或更笼统和灵活:

var types = {
  doc: ['doc', 'docx'],
  pdf: ['pdf'],
  // ...

function addLinkClasses(ancestor, types) {
  var $ancestor = $(ancestor);
  $.each(types, function(type, extensions) {
    selector = $.map(extensions, function(extension) {
        return 'a[href$=".' + extension + '"]';
      }).join(', ');

addLinkClasses('#rt-mainbody', types);

This is case sensitive, so I suggest you canonicalise all extensions to lowercase on your server. 这是区分大小写的,因此建议您将服务器上的所有扩展名规范化为小写。


use this regex (without quotes): 使用此正则表达式(不带引号):


this regex matches (case insensitive) anything that ends with .pdf, .doc etc. 此正则表达式匹配(不区分大小写)以.pdf,.doc等结尾的任何内容。

for dynamic class: 对于动态类:

    var match = linkURL.match(/\.(pdf|doc)$/i);
    match = match ? match[1].toLowerCase() : null;
    if (match != null) {



Another answer, building off of @Amadan is: 从@Amadan构建的另一个答案是:

var extensions = [

$.each( extensions, function( i, v) {
  $('#rt-mainbody').find( 'a[href$=".' + v + '"], a[href$=".' + v.toUpperCase() + '"]')
  .addClass( extension );

The onyl suggestion I would make is that you can change your match to inspect what is the file extension instead of having to do a different regex search for each possible file extension: 我会建议的onyl建议是,您可以更改匹配项以检查文件扩展名是什么,而不必为每个可能的文件扩展名进行不同的正则表达式搜索:

var linkURL = $(this).attr('href');  //<--you were accidentally declared linkURL as a global BTW.
var match = linkURL.match(/\.(.*)$/);
if(match != null){
   //we can extract the part between the parens in our regex
   var ext = match[1].toLowerCase() 
      case 'pdf': $(this).addClass('pdf'); break;
      case 'jpg': $(this).addClass('jpg'); break;

This switch statement mostly useful if you want the option of using class names that are different from your file extensions. 如果您希望选择使用与文件扩展名不同的类名,则此switch语句最有用。 If the file extension is always the same you can consider changing the regex to something that fits the file extensions you want 如果文件扩展名始终相同,则可以考虑将正则表达式更改为适合您所需的文件扩展名的文件

/\.(pdf|jpg|txt)$/i  //i for "case insensitive"

and then just do 然后做

var ext = match[1].toLowerCase() 

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