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如何使用连字符实现asp.net mvc动作名称?

[英]How to achieve asp.net mvc action name with hyphen?

How to achieve asp.net mvc action name with hyphen eg, www.domain.com/about-us where about-us is the acton name in home controller. 如何用连字符实现asp.net mvc动作名称,例如www.domain.com/about-us ,其中about-us是家庭控制器中的acton名称。 With this approach, i can achieve to have the action name like contact-us , how-to , etc. 通过这种方法,我可以实现有动作名称,如contact-ushow-to ,等等。

You can give your action name inside of actionName tag. 您可以在actionName标记内提供操作名称。

public ActionResult AboutUs() {
    return View();

Since nobody is willing to give the complete working solution to the problem, here's how it's done in a .Net MVC 5 project: 由于没有人愿意为问题提供完整的工作解决方案,因此在.Net MVC 5项目中如何完成:

  1. Open your project's App_Start/RouteConfig.cs file. 打开项目的App_Start / RouteConfig.cs文件。
  2. On your RegisterRoute method, modify the codes like this: RegisterRoute方法上,修改如下代码:

     public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); // <--- add this line to enable custom attribute routes routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); } 
  3. Now, open your controller file then add your custom route's definition at the top your action as shown below: 现在,打开您的控制器文件,然后在您的操作顶部添加自定义路线的定义,如下所示:

     [Route("about-us")] public ActionResult AboutUs() { return View(); } 

You should now be able to use your custom route like this: 您现在应该能够使用这样的自定义路线:


In AreaRegistration.cs file, you can add route table entry as below..... AreaRegistration.cs文件中,您可以添加以下路由表条目.....

            new { action = "AboutUs" }

In MVC5 you are able to set up attribute routes too: 在MVC5中,您也可以设置属性路由:

    public ActionResult AboutUs()
        return View();

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