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IBM Worklight 6.0-在iOS中控制启动画面时出现问题

[英]IBM Worklight 6.0 - Issue in controlling the splash screen in iOS

I want to perform some validation in background and then navigate to specified dashboard, during the time the splash screen is shown to the user. 我想要在后台执行一些验证,然后在向用户显示初始屏幕期间导航到指定的仪表板。

The problem is that after some time the splash screen hides automatically. 问题在于,启动屏幕在一段时间后会自动隐藏。

Tried Approaches: 尝试的方法:

  1. Set the preference in config.xml: 在config.xml中设置首选项:

    • <preference name="auto-hide-splash-screen" value="false"/> or <preference name="auto-hide-splash-screen" value="false"/>
    • <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false"/>

  2. Rather than hiding on "ondeviceready" event , tried to hide in my JavaScript code at certain condition: 而不是在“ ondeviceready”事件上隐藏,而是尝试在某些条件下隐藏在我的JavaScript代码中:

function getResponse(response) { 函数getResponse(response){

 if (response) { } else { $.mobile.changePage("#pageID", { transition: "none", changeHash: false }); navigator.splashscreen.hide(); } 

} }

My problem is that the splash screen gets hidden automatically, even though navigator.splashscreen.hide(); 我的问题是,即使navigator.splashscreen.hide();初始屏幕也会自动隐藏navigator.splashscreen.hide(); is not called on the deviceready event. deviceready事件上不被调用。


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