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[英]MySQL group by date and convert from unix timestamp

I have the following sql table (simplified) 我有以下sql表(简化)

ID (int)  title (text)            date (int)
1         Hello World             1378148920
2         Hello World2            1378182183
3         Hello World3            1378129838
4         Hello World4            1378146160
5         Hello World5            1378138038

The table has thousands of entries. 该表有数千个条目。

I wan't to ask you if it is possible to build a SQL query that groups all the posts by date but only as day. 我不想问你是否有可能构建一个SQL查询,按日期对所有帖子进行分组,但仅作为日期。

So at the end I wan't to build a graph like this (for the last 5 days): 所以最后我不想建立这样的图形(过去5天):

02.09.2013: 13 posts
01.09.2013: 14 posts

NOTE: the timestamp aren't real (they are all from today) 注意:时间戳不是真实的(它们都来自今天)

You can use from-unixtime() 你可以使用from-unixtime()

select FROM_UNIXTIME(`date`, '%d.%m.%Y') as ndate,
       count(id) as post_count
from your_table
group by ndate

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