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[英]Moving a quadword number to xmm registers

I am trying to move a number in a 64-bit register to an xmm register to do arithmetic. 我试图将64位寄存器中的数字移动到xmm寄存器来进行算术运算。 My thinking was: 我的想法是:

movq xmm1, r14

In my program r14 is holding the counter and I need it to get moved into xmm1 so I can divide it with the sum of numbers i have stored in xmm0. 在我的程序中,r14持有计数器,我需要它移动到xmm1,所以我可以将它除以我存储在xmm0中的数字之和。 And then display it. 然后显示它。

When I execute the code, it stores 0 into xmm1. 当我执行代码时,它将0存储到xmm1中。

Someone please help. 有人请帮忙。

I created test.asm as: 我创建了test.asm

section .code
global _start
    mov r14,0x123456789abcdef0
    movq xmm1, r14
    int 3

Compiled and linked with: 编译并链接:

nasm.exe -f win64 -o test.obj test.asm
link.exe test.obj /entry:_start /subsystem:console

And ran it under the 64-bit WinDbg. 并在64位WinDbg下运行它。 When it hit the int 3 WinDbg showed the registers as: 当它击中int 3 WinDbg显示寄存器为:

r14      123456789abcdef0
xmm1     0.000000e+000: 0.000000e+000: 5.690457e-028:-7.811515e-023
xmm1/0   9abcdef0
xmm1/1   12345678
xmm1/2   0
xmm1/3   0
xmm1l    1234:5678:9abc:def0
xmm1h    0:0:0:0

...and having typed all of that, is it possible that you are looking at xmm1 as a floating point instead of integer values? ...并且键入了所有这些内容,您是否可能将xmm1视为浮点而不是整数值?

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