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[英]Can't get values from text fields from UITableView

I have a UITableView that I used for username/password enter. 我有一个用于输入用户名/密码的UITableView But I have problem to get values when I click on button. 但是当我单击按钮时,我很难获取值。 This is how I make table: 这是我制作表格的方式:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)table cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

    static NSString *kCellIdentifier = @"Cell";

    UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellIdentifier];
    if (cell == nil) {
        cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault
        cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryNone;

        if ([indexPath section] == 0) {
            UITextField *playerTextField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(110, 10, 185, 30)];
            playerTextField.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
            playerTextField.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
            if ([indexPath row] == 0) {
                playerTextField.placeholder = @"example@gmail.com";
                playerTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress;
                playerTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyNext;
            else {
                playerTextField.placeholder = @"Required";
                playerTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
                playerTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
                playerTextField.secureTextEntry = YES;
            playerTextField.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
            playerTextField.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
            playerTextField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone;
            playerTextField.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
            playerTextField.tag = 0;

            playerTextField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeNever;
            [playerTextField setEnabled: YES];

            playerTextField.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

            cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;

            [cell addSubview:playerTextField];

    if ([indexPath section] == 0) { // Email & Password Section
        if ([indexPath row] == 0) { // Email
            cell.textLabel.text = @"Email";
        else {
            cell.textLabel.text = @"Password";
    return cell;

And this is what I have tried in button tap: 这是我在按钮点击中尝试的方法:

for (UITableViewCell* aCell in [self.tableView visibleCells] ) {
        UITextField* aField = (UITextField *)[aCell viewWithTag:0];

This prints me just: Email Password (labels not data that I entered). 这仅向我显示:电子邮件密码(不标记我输入的数据)。 How to get entered values here? 如何在这里获取输入值?

All views default their tag to 0. Because of this, [aCell viewWithTag: 0] is returning the first view with tag zero - in this case the cell's textLabel - which is a UILabel that also responds to .text . 所有视图都将其tag默认tag为0。因此, [aCell viewWithTag: 0]返回的第一个标签为0的视图-在本例中为单元格的textLabel这也是一个UILabel ,它也响应.text If you set the tags in your cellForRowAtIndexPath: to something other than zero it should start working for you. 如果您将cellForRowAtIndexPath:的标记设置为非零值,它将开始为您工作。

In that case you can give the tag to textfield like 在这种情况下,您可以将标签提供给文本字段,例如
playerTextField.tag = 115 playerTextField.tag = 115
and you can get view by tag like 你可以通过标签来查看
UITextField *aField = (UITextField *)[aCell viewWithTag:115]; UITextField * aField =(UITextField *)[aCell viewWithTag:115];
and display NSLog(@"text:%@",aField.text); 并显示NSLog(@“ text:%@”,aField.text);

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